JAKARTA - Representatives of employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) submitted additional evidence to the Supervisory Board. This evidence relates to the alleged ethical violation of Firli Bahuri et al in the process of transferring the status of KPK employees.

Moreover, based on the KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 3 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Examination and Trial of Violations of the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of the KPK, the preliminary examination decision does not close the report.

"Thus, we consider that the complaint report dated 18 May 2021 with additional data and information dated 16 June 2021, the examination can still be opened by providing new evidence, to suffice the evidence of the alleged violation and proceed to the ethics trial," said the Head of the Task Force. Hotman Tambunan's anti-corruption study to journalists quoted on Thursday, 29 July.

He said there were two strong reasons for this employee representative to provide additional evidence to the KPK Supervisory Board. First, some of the actions in the preliminary examination report of Tumpak Hatorangan et al were not the actions intended by the complainant.

Second, the findings of the Indonesian Ombudsman which indicate maladministration and other violations in the TWK committed by the KPK leadership.

In addition, the KPK Supervisory Board in its preliminary report also did not find evidence of a leadership meeting in which KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri clearly and unequivocally stated that TWK did not result in passing or failing.

"We provide evidence of the existence of the meeting," said Hotman. Meanwhile, the new evidence submitted to the Council included the minutes of the March 5, 2021 Rapim in the Pancasila meeting room which was attended by four leaders and structural officials. Hotman said that in that meeting Chairman Firli Bahuri clearly stated that TWK did not pass and did not pass.

Other additional evidence is HR's email to Sespim to ratify the meeting minutes on March 5, 2021, but Sespim has never followed up on it. Furthermore, the final report on the results of the examination by the Indonesian Ombudsman stated the arbitrary actions of the leadership who issued SK 652 and the minutes of May 25, 2021.

"Where the content of the Minutes is the dismissal of employees based on the results of the TWK," explained Hotman.

With this additional evidence, these employees hope that the KPK Council can consider their decision and continue reporting alleged violations to the ethics court. The employee also asked that all whistleblowers be examined or at least the inspection was carried out online and not to randomly examine whistleblowers.

"So what is meant by the complainant as an act that allegedly violates the code of ethics can be fully and comprehensively understood by the Council," he concluded.

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