After Becoming A Public Discussion, Isoman's Facilities In Hotels From The Secretary General Were Rejected By A Number Of DPR Members
Gedung DPR (Ifran Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - The Secretariat General of the DPR RI provides hotels for quarantine or self-isolation facilities for Council members, experts, and DPR staff who are exposed to COVID-19 with mild and asymptomatic symptoms.

This is known from the letter number SJ/09596/SETJEN DPR RI/DA/07/2021 which was signed by Secretary General Indra Iskandar.

However, after this information became a public discussion, the majority of DPR members apparently rejected the plan of the Secretary General of the DPR. The reason is, the members are quite capable of taking care of themselves, especially if they have to spend 'pockets' from the state.

A member of the PPP faction, Anas Thahir, assessed that the isolation facility (isoman) at the hotel for members prepared by the Secretariat General of the DPR RI was counter-productive and could cause social jealousy in the community. Because he said, basically all citizens must have the same access to health facilities.

According to him, DPR members who are positive for COVID-19 can still use the Membership Office (RJA) facilities. So, there is no need to rent a special hotel for members, especially with the state budget.

"RJA is quite representative for an isoman place because it does not have direct contact with the community and has a large enough yard for activities in the room without interacting directly with other people," said Anas to reporters, Wednesday, July 28.
The member of Commission IX of the DPR suggested that the budget for renting five-star hotels should be diverted for purposes that directly touch the needs of people affected by COVID-19.

"The condition of the state budget is not good, there is no need for the DPR to burden the state budget only for isoman facilities," said Anas. As there is no need for a special hotel to accommodate members of the DPR.

"If the government really wants to prepare a hotel for an isoman place, then the place must be accessible to all parties who need it," said Anas.

The chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR RI, Yandri Susanto, assessed that the decision of the Secretary General of the DPR, Indra Iskandar, to provide hotels for members of the DPR who were exposed to COVID-19, was not right.

"We hope this will be cancelled," said Yandri, Wednesday, July 28.

If there is a DPR budget that is used for refocusing the handling of COVID-19, Yandri said, the funds should be earmarked for the benefit of the community or the people. Such as procurement of medicines, procurement of basic necessities, or for other assistance that is directly in contact with the community.

"So for the members of the council, I think they-they or we-we are already able to take care of ourselves, and there is no need for state facilitation. Because today what is most needed is how we help people who are in trouble. So we propose that the program The hotel for isoman members of the DPR has been cancelled," said the PAN politician.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the PKS faction of the DPR, Jazuli Juwaini, said that as a form of anticipating the policy of the Secretary General of the DPR, of course, it must refer to the laws and regulations. "However, in practice, we must really weigh the urgency, priority, and empathy for the condition of the common people, which is much more difficult in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak," Jazuli explained. no need to rent special facilities such as hotels or inns. But it is enough to function the facilities owned by the DPR, such as the DPR Wisma in Kopo Bogor or other DPR facilities.

The NasDem faction, too, firmly rejected the isoman facility at the 3-star hotel. According to the chairman of the NasDem faction, M. Ali, this policy is too much, and it would be more appropriate if the facilities were allocated to the lower class people.

"Public trust must be maintained. The DPR must give the impression not to be distant from the interests of the people and at the same time empathize with the situation," said Ali.

It is known, that the Secretariat General of the DPR RI plans to provide a place for the members of the council to provide 3-star hotel facilities and be financed by the state.

However, it is not yet known the amount of the budget disbursed for these luxury facilities.

When the VOI team contacted the Secretary General of the DPR, Indra Iskandar, he had yet to respond.

Hotel Isoman Member of the 5th Sila Injury Council

The Center for the Study of Constitutional Law (PSHK) of the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia (FH UII) assessed that the DPR Secretariat General's (Setjen) plan to provide self-isolation facilities (Isoman) for DPR members who were confirmed to have COVID-19 violated the 5th precept, namely "Social justice. for all Indonesian people.

“The provision of luxury isoman facilities in the form of five-star hotels for members of the DPR who are confirmed to have COVID-19 is unfair and disproportionate. It can even be considered as violating the 5th precept, social justice for all Indonesian people," said PSHK UII researcher Muhammad Addi Fauzani to reporters, Wednesday, July 28.

"When compared to the provision of facilities provided by the state to the people, which are very limited," he continued.

According to Addi, every citizen has the same position in accepting the COVID-19 control policy. Thus, even members of the House of Representatives cannot be privileged by providing five-star hotel isoman facilities.

On the other hand, said Addi, the state's finances are in a slump. In fact, it is suspected that he avoided regional quarantine or lockdown because he had to guarantee the provision of food to the people.

"Policies issued by the executive and legislature, especially the DPR, should pay attention to the COVID-19 health emergency that has been determined nationally," said Addi.

Addi said that the facilities of this five-star hotel have clearly ignored the current emergency. He considered that, morally and ethically, the provision of luxury isoman facilities is very contrary to the legal adage that has always been echoed by the state in dealing with COVID-19. Namely, Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto which means that the safety of the people is the highest law. Moreover, the DPR as the people's representative is directly elected by the people so that it gets a mandate from the people as regulated in Article 19 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"(DPR, ed) should have a sense of empathy for the people's condition and not think about themselves, the provision of luxury isoman facilities greatly insults the dignity of the DPR institution as a channel for people's aspirations," he explained

According to him, the DPR must prioritize the interests of the people, not prioritizing individual members of the DPR. Moreover, with the condition of 3,239,936 Indonesian people who were exposed to COVID-19 based on data, Tuesday, July 27 yesterday.

Although this plan is allowed as per the Circulars of the Director General of State Treasury S-369/PB/2020 and S-308/PB/2020, Addi said, the DPR should prioritize the interests of handling COVID-19 for the people who are directly affected. salaries, allowances, even official housing provided by the state to members of the DPR are deemed to have fulfilled the daily needs of members of the DPR. It has even met the needs of DPR members who have been confirmed to have COVID-19.

"This, of course, is very unequal when compared to the people's income during COVID-19, which is very lacking and uncertain. Thus, there is no urgency in the policy of providing luxury isoman facilities to members of the DPR," he stressed. Therefore, Addi added, PSHK UII requested to DPR Speaker Puan Maharani together with DPR members to cancel the luxury isoman policy for DPR members who are confirmed to have COVID-19.

In addition, the Speaker of the DPR and members of the DPR must refocus the budget with the intention of prioritizing policies for the benefit of handling COVID-19 for the people.

"To the government, to revoke policies that open gaps in providing five-star hotel isoman facilities to state officials, one of which is the DPR," said Addi.

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