MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution provided personal assistance in the form of basic food packages to residents on Jalan Rahmat, Sitirejo II Village, Medan Amplas District.

The food distribution was carried out by Bobby Nasution, who came on a motorbike belonging to one of the Medan City Government staff, Wednesday, July 28.

By riding a motorcycle, Bobby Nasution visited one by one the residents' houses. Bobby also gave food packages to the Public Infrastructure and Facilities Handling Officer (P3SU) who was clearing the grass and cleaning the drainage in the area.

Residents who saw Bobby Nasution come to their homes, were touched and happy and welcomed the presence of the mayor of Medan to provide food packages directly.

While handing over groceries, Bobby Nasution gave motivation and encouragement to the residents. It is hoped that this assistance can help and ease the burden on residents affected by COVID-19 a little.

According to Bobby Nasution, during this pandemic, many people are economically disturbed. Bobby also prays and hopes that this COVID-19 can pass soon so that everyone can carry out their activities as usual.

Bobby Nasution said the assistance provided was different from the assistance from the Medan City Government so that the contents were not the same and the assistance from the Medan City Government.

Quoted from a public relations statement from the Medan City Government, the first resident visited, Bobby Nasution, was a middle-aged man named Syahrial Alamsyah Simatupang (70). Syahrial expressed his gratitude and was grateful for the help given by Bobby Nasution.

Syahrial hopes that this pandemic can end soon. Because since this pandemic, the man who daily earns a living by pulling a motorized rickshaw has experienced difficulties.

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