JAKARTA - For two days, the addition of positive COVID-19 cases nationally was quite significant. One thousand more Indonesians are infected with this virus in a day. With the addition of these cases, it raises good and bad news related to preventive measures.

Airlangga University (Unair) epidemiologist, Laura Navika Yamani, said there was good news from the increase in the number of cases during the two days, namely, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had almost reached the target in specimen examination. Thus, the distribution map can be optimized to determine the next steps.

"Pak Jokowi's examination target has almost reached where previously he targeted a minimum of 20 thousand per day. This is good news," Laura told VOI, Wednesday, June 10.

However, on the other hand, the significant increase in the number of cases also brings bad news. Because, this indicates that the spread of the virus continues to occur in the community.

Then, it also reflects the weak examination of people who are potentially infected or have a history of contact with positive patients. In fact, another possibility, the number of positive patients mentioned so far is not the actual number.

"Maybe before that it wasn't even a real number of cases because there were still limited investigations," said Laura.

Monitoring the number of positive cases

For that, continued Laura, with the large number of additional cases, the government must monitor it properly. So, they can determine the right steps in handling those infected with COVID-19.

"This is an indicator that handling the spread of COVID-19 must be monitored for the next few days. Then see whether new positive cases can get treatment or treatment at health facilities so that they do not cause an increased death toll from COVID-19," said Laura.

Previously, the spokesman for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling, Ahmad Yurianto, said that 1,241 people were confirmed as new positive cases on Wednesday, May 10. The addition of a large number of positive cases was due to the increasingly aggressive search for contact history of positive cases. This is evidenced by the addition of cases that occurred were specimens from the Puskesmas and the Health Office.

"The increase in positive cases was due to aggressive tracing. So we can see that most of the additional cases were specimens sent by the health center or the health office, not dominated by specimens sent by the hospital," said Yuri.

Although the overall calculation has increased, if we refer to the distribution per province, the number of positive cases is still in a stable condition.

"Overall we are still increasing the number, but then we look at the distribution per province, actually most of the provinces are already in stable condition," said Yuri.

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