JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered all his staff to build a control post for the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in markets. The goal is to ensure the implementation of health protocols (prokes) goes well.

"All ranks have established the PPKM Command Post in the market to anticipate the easing of the populist economy," said Sigit in his statement, Wednesday, July 28.

In addition, the establishment of command posts in the market is also a follow-up to government policies to loosen PPKM. Where, economic centers such as markets are allowed to operate but with a record of implementing strict procedures.

The function of the PPKM post in the market is to monitor sellers or buyers. So, during this easing period, the spread of COVID-19 does not increase.

Then, all of its members were also asked to implement a one-door system in all people's markets. Thus, the capacity of the end can be controlled.

"Preparing locations for washing hands, distributing masks, maintaining distance between traders and conducting random checks for swab antigens," said Sigit. corona virus," continued Sigit.

The PPKM Command Post in the market will also prepare Level 4 PPKM social assistance (bansos) from the Government to the people who are most affected by the economy.

In implementing the PPKM Command Post in the market, Sigit asked his staff to synergize and communicate with all related parties in its implementation.

"Empowerment of coordinators of health care discipline supervisors by involving security officers or associations of business actors," said Sigit.

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