AMBON - Ambon City COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson Joy Adriaansz confirmed the news that Ambon City Mayor Richard Louhenapessy had tested positive for COVID-19.

"It is true that the Mayor of Ambon was exposed to COVID-19," said Joy, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

The chronology of the Mayor of Ambon was positively exposed to COVID-19 based on the results of tracing and testing close contact with the driver who was first exposed some time ago.

"The 3T process is in close contact with the Mayor of Ambon and his family along with all staff and household members in the mayor's office," continued the spokesman for the Ambon COVID-19 Task Force.

The mayor and wife's PCR swab test was carried out at the FX Rahardjo Hospital (RSAL) Ambon. Meanwhile, for other family members, along with staff and household members, the results of the examination from BPTKL came out this afternoon.

"From the results of the PCR swab, it turned out that four people were positive, namely the mayor, his wife, the mayor's child, the initials EL, and one ART person, while the others were negative," he said.

Currently, said the spokesman, the mayor, his wife, children and one ART are currently undergoing isolation and treatment at Dr. Leimena Hospital.

"The mayor's health condition with his wife and children is known to be very good, and is under the care of the medical team at Dr. Leimena Hospital," he said.

The spokesman reminded that COVID-19 is a dangerous virus that can attack anyone, including the Mayor of Ambon and his family who always apply strict 5M program discipline.

"The mayor and his wife who have been vaccinated and always apply strict health protocols can only be exposed, so never ignore health protocols," he said.

His party also asked for prayer support from the entire Ambon city community for the mayor and his family who were confirmed positive.

"Please support prayers from the entire community for the recovery of the Mayor and his family," he said.

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