JAKARTA - The Head of the Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau), Marsma Indan Gilang Buldansyah said the disgraceful action of the two members began with an argument between a speechless man and a stall owner. The man was suspected of causing a commotion because he was drunk.

"The incident was initiated by a commotion by a resident who was allegedly drunk with the shop owner, and involved two Pomau members who intended to intervene," said Marsma Indan in a statement, Tuesday, July 27.

The Indonesian Air Force deeply regrets the incident and apologizes to all parties. Currently, the two Indonesian Air Force personnel have been detained.

"The Indonesian Air Force expresses regret and apologies," he said.

"The two members of the Merauke Airbase Pomau, have now been detained and are under the supervision of the Merauke Airbase Commander. The investigation process is being carried out by the Merauke Airbase Pomau," continued Indan.

By taking action against the two individuals, continued Indan, this proves that the Indonesian Air Force will not hesitate to take action against its members who make mistakes.

"TNI AU does not hesitate to punish according to the level of error," said Indan.

Previously, a video circulated on social media showing the action of two members of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI) stepping on the head and pressing the body of a man. The incident is said to have occurred in the Merauke region, Papua

From the video seen by VOI, the action began when a man in black showed an attitude of disapproval about something. Then, someone appeared trying to intervene.

However, the man in black who was later discovered to be mute seemed to not want to hear. Until finally, two members of the Indonesian Air Force appeared.

They immediately pulled and dropped the mute man's body onto the asphalt. In fact, one of the members of the Indonesian Air Force stepped on the man's head. Meanwhile, another one on top of his body.

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