JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko invites young Indonesian achievers who are members of the World Indonesian Student Association (PPID) to contribute and play an active role in realizing the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045. In his speech delivered online at the XIII PPID International Symposium entitled Contribution Towards a Sustainable Gold Indonesia 2045 On Tuesday, Moeldoko said that Indonesia needs young people who are not only healthy, intelligent, and innovative, but also who have strong characters, love their homeland and are proud of the Indonesian state. , has a good work ethic, and has a global perspective but also has Pancasila character. That's very important," said Moeldoko in a KSP press release, in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 27. He said that all Indonesian youth have an important role in achieving a golden Indonesia 2045. According to him, youth are the spearhead and agents of change, so he invites youth contribute and are actively involved in the development of Indonesia. Moeldoko also hopes that the nation's best sons and daughters will be able to become a generation of leaders who fill strategic positions in the country, so that the Indonesian nation no longer needs to bring in skilled workers from abroad.

In addition, the former TNI general also conveyed the importance of reliable Indonesian human resources (HR) in realizing the country's economic transformation. He gave an example of Nickel commodity which is one of the largest assets where the availability of Nickel reserves in Indonesia is very abundant, even reaching around 24 percent of world nickel reserves. "For that we want these commodities to provide benefits in the form of added value as much as possible for the prosperity of the people. We no longer want to export nickel ore. We want to process it," said Moeldoko. Moeldoko acknowledged that realizing the Indonesia Gold 2045 mission was not an easy task. Based on the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) report on the Human Development Index in 2020, Indonesia is still in position 107 out of 189 countries. When compared to neighboring countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is still ranked fifth. However, the government also continues to strive to accommodate the development of the quality of Indonesian human resources, one of which is through the National Talent Management (MTN) which aims to encourage each individual to reach his highest potential talent. He also emphasized that the government of President Joko Widodo has always prioritized the development of quality human resources. This can be seen from the President's directives for ministers and institutions that place human resource development as the most important direction, followed by infrastructure development, regulatory reform, bureaucratic reform and economic transformation. For information, Indonesia has formulated a vision of Indonesia Gold 2045 through the National Mid-Term Development Plan. (RPJMN) 2020-2024. Gradually, Indonesia will try to enter the ranks of developed countries with a per capita income of more than 23,000 US dollars. As a medium-term step, by 2036 Indonesia must be out of the middle income trap by ensuring consistent economic growth of 5.7 percent per year. Some examples of countries that are in the middle income group, but have not become developed countries are Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and South Africa. "We, Indonesia, do not want to experience the same thing," said Moeldoko. Meanwhile, the International Symposium held This online event will last for 5 days, starting from 27-31 July 2021 with a series of activities involving Indonesian youth and students around the world. “It takes the right strategy to realize a Sustainable Gold Indonesia 2045 and it must be fulfilled optimally supported by the existence of equitable development and human resources that actively contribute," said the Chief Executive of the Symposium Siti Nurmalasari. "We as the committee hope that Indonesian students abroad can build Indonesia to compete and adapt to changes in global trends that are fast and dynamic," explained Siti.

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