NTB - The General Criminal Investigator of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police (Polda NTB) has targeted a new suspect in handling a case of alleged budget embezzlement at the Bima Teacher Training and Education College (STKIP).

The Director General of the NTB Regional Police, Kombes Hari Brata, said the shooting was part of the progress of the investigation from the determination of the five previous suspects.

"So based on the progress of the investigation, it is possible that there will be additional suspects. We will see from the results of the follow-up case," said Hari Brata in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

The five suspects in this case have the initials HA, Head of STKIP Bima for the 2016-2020 period; MF, Chairman of the Bima IKIP Foundation for the 2019-2020 period; HM, Head of General Administration for the 2016-2019 Period; AA, Head of General Administration for the 2019-2020 Period; and AZ, Deputy Chair I for Academic Affairs for the 2016-2019 Period.

As suspects, they were charged with Article 374 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code which carries a penalty of five years in prison.

The case was handled by investigators based on the Police Report Number LP/360/XI/2020/NTB/SPKT, dated November 20, 2020. The report relates to the alleged criminal embezzlement of STKIP Bima's budget.

From the results of the first case in the investigation stage, the five suspects are indicated to have embezzled the private university's budget by submitting a request for a program plan that has nothing to do with lecture activities. They are strongly suspected of using the budget for personal purposes.

From the results of STKIP Bima's internal audit, it was found that losses amounted to Rp. 12.8 billion. This is based on the results of the examination of the program's accountability report file.

"But different from our calculation results, the value of the loss reached more than Rp. 19.3 billion," he said.

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