JAKARTAJAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin invites journalists to pray to God to be able to face the COVID-19 pandemic. This he conveyed in a webinar entitled "Knocking on Heaven's Door" which was held by the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) virtually.
Ma'ruf hopes that, with outward and inward efforts, all parties are given physical, mental and faith strength and help by Allah SWT so that Indonesia can get out of this COVID-19 outbreak soon.
"Through this munajat, we knock on heaven's door to ask for His 'inayah and himayah, His help and protection. .nayah robbaniyah God's help so that we are given the ability to find the right way to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and the various problems we face. And himayah robbaniyah, protection of Allah SWT from various mistakes in acting and making decisions," said Ma'ruf on Saturday, July 24.
Ma'ruf explained that the role of the media is very crucial in conveying constructive criticism of the implementation of government policies, as well as in checking facts on the ground or existing hoaxes or disinformation.
In addition to continuing to adhere to the principles and code of journalistic ethics, Ma'ruf considers journalism to also need to continue to empathize with health workers who are working on the front lines against COVID-19, COVID-19 sufferers, to the officers who enforce the handling of COVID-19.
"Now is the time for all of us to unite our steps and support each other. Starting with ourselves and the environment, let's move to continue to improve compliance with health protocols, change the condition of Indonesia so that it can immediately be released from the snare of the COVID-19 pandemic ," said Ma'ruf.
PWI chairman Atal S. Depari said that the PWI event was held because his party realized that the COVID-19 pandemic had spread widely to almost all over the world.
Therefore, Atal invites all media workers to pray for God to immediately lift the COVID-19 disease from Indonesia.
"We ask for the immediate removal of the Covid-19 disease from our country. Destroy the corona virus from the earth of Indonesia. Give strength to all Indonesian people, health workers and leaders to find the best solution in dealing with this outbreak," said Atal

Atal realized that the war against COVID-19 could not be carried out by one or two elements of the nation alone, it could not only be the government, health workers, or law enforcement officers. all components of the nation must support each other so that the war against COVID-19 can be won immediately.
"Once again I invite journalists to together with all components of the nation together fight COVID-19. Let's continue to ask Allah SWT so that (COVID-19) ends soon from the archipelago," he said.
Continuing, the Chairman of the Press Council, Mohammad Nuh, said that COVID-19 is a complex and cross-sectoral issue. Therefore, the solution that needs to be done is not simple.
"This is not my problem, but our problem. Therefore, we really want the press to continue to mobilize existing resources in the community to work together to become a part of us. Rest assured that with us, God willing, it can be resolved," Noah explained.
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