BOGOR - Bogor Police Chief AKBP Harun bought up fried meatballs (basreng) when socializing PPKM level 4 in the Cibinong area, Bogor Regency, West Java.

This action was carried out by Harun while touring the Cibinong area with Dandim 0621/Bogor Regency Lt. Col. Inf. Sukur Hermanto to inform street vendors (PKL) about a number of easing in PPKM level 4 rules.

The activity, which was interspersed with the distribution of basic necessities, began with a joint meeting between the TNI, the police, the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

In addition to buying basreng snacks, Harun bought other snacks, namely pecel catfish and tofu gejrot while persuading traders to obey PPKM level 4 rules.

"In PPKM level 4 there are some relaxations, especially for street vendors, so we check," said Harun, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 23.

The easing if cases go down according to President Joko Widodo's direction allows street vendors to open until 21.00 WIB, from previously only until 20.00 WIB. Then, it allows street vendors to eat in places with a maximum limit of 30 minutes.

"But earlier there were more take aways, people have realized how important health is," he explained.

Meanwhile, Dandim 0621/Bogor Regency, Lt. Col. Inf. Sukur Hermanto hoped that traders in Bogor Regency would remain orderly, especially in implementing health protocols.

"Our hope is that keeping a distance, wearing masks, and not causing crowds are the main factors," said Sukur.

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