JAKARTA - The online motorcycle taxi community, which is a member of the Indonesian Gojek Drivers Association (PDGI), confirmed that they were not involved in the protest plan against the implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"PDGI has no intention of participating in the circulation of news calling for national action. Apart from feeling that there is no need to participate in politics, we have chosen to focus on making a living for the family rather than demonstrations," said PDGI Founder Jefry Supriyadi in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, July 23.

PDGI, he continued, also never at all called for a demonstration which was said to be held on July 24, 2021.

The chairman of PDGI Bekasi Mardian said the same statement was made by the ojek organization in the (online) network that did not participate in politics at all and only focused on making a living under the application company Gojek Indonesia.

"It's not an organization out there trying to manage the government as if it could," he said.

Regarding the circulation of posters calling for action, whether it is true or not cannot be proven. He believes that there are parties who spread rumors and involve the name of online motorcycle taxis.

He admitted that the number of online motorcycle taxi partners, including online taxis, was quite large, making it difficult to control one by one. PDGI only looks after the community side and coordinates based on the area of operation.

"We urge their respective communities not to take part in these actions," he said.

If anyone joins the demonstration, then PDGI is not responsible if something happens.

In line with that, the chairman of the North Jakarta Drivers Alliance, Irwanto, who is familiarly called Babe Bewok, emphasized that even if the demonstrations were true, the community would prefer to make a living rather than join demonstrations.

"If I myself continue to work as usual," he said.

Therefore, said Babe, who is Gojek's partner every day, online motorcycle taxis have no interest in participating in the demonstration plan to protest the PPKM policy.

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