SOLO - The Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) of the Central Java Police, Kombes Rudy Syafirudin, said that his party had extended the closure of 27 toll exit points in the Central Java region until July 25.

The policy is in accordance with the results of a meeting chaired by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, during the implementation of the level IV community activity restrictions (PPKM) the toll exits were closed for five days or until July 25, said Dirlantas, through a release received, in Solo. , Central Java, Friday.

"There are 27 toll exit gates in Central Java which have been closed for an extended period of time until July 25," said the Traffic Director, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 23.

Dirlantas said the way of taking action would remain the same, as previously carried out on July 16 to 22 and has now been extended to July 25. For vehicles, both essential and critical sectors are treated the same.

Dirlantas explained that his party will apply the same, both for essential and critical, if they cannot show a work certificate from each office and there is no antigen or PCR negative result and a vaccine letter is added, then the vehicle will be turned back.

"We can't give the relevant entry permit without the documents in question. The vehicle will be turned back," he said.

He explained that as many as 27 toll exits in Central Java would be guarded from all members of the Mobile Brigade, Samapta and other units to assist in the implementation.

The implementation is going as expected until this Friday the number of vehicles that have been turned back because they cannot show the letter in question, almost 62,000 vehicles in Central Java.

However, his party appealed to the public, especially workers, to complete their documents as completely as possible during the PPKM period. Thus, making it easier for officers to carry out inspection activities later.

In addition, his party also hopes that the truck drivers who load essential and critical materials ask the officers to put blue and red stickers so that they are not checked again during the inspection.

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