JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, distributes social assistance to communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic who live in suburban Jakarta.

Together with Commander Marshal TNI, Hadi Tjahjanto, Sigit reviewed vaccinations and distributed social assistance in three locations in Central Jakarta, namely Sawah Besar Village, Duri Pulau, and Petamburan Flats.

"Hopefully this aid will help with their daily needs", said Sigit to the beneficiaries, Thursday, July 22.

To the residents, General Sigit explained that the social assistance came from the Indonesian government which was channeled through the TNI-Police. This is a manifestation of the presence of the state in society. At the same time, it is a form of government responsibility to people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The distribution of social assistance is the government's commitment to the policies taken as well as a manifestation of the state's presence in the midst of society", said Sigit as quoted by Antara.

In addition to distributing social assistance, Sigit continues to socialize to the public to immediately be vaccinated against COVID-19 so that communal immunity or herd immunity is realized as an effort to control the pandemic.

The National Police Chief also continues to remind the public to be disciplined in implementing health protocols to avoid exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

"If you have been vaccinated, still wear a mask. If there are relatives who need masks, give them", said Sigit.

Meanwhile, Commander Marshal TNI, Hadi Tjahjanto, who participated in the distribution of social assistance, also reminded the public to continue to apply daily health protocols, even though vaccines have been carried out.

"Keep wearing a mask, yes, there are groceries, take care of your health", said the Commander.

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