MEDAN - The City Government (Pemko) of Medan, North Sumatra, stated that the community began to receive rice assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs during the implementation of the restriction on community activities (PPKM). Deputy Mayor of Medan, Aulia Rachman appreciated the rice assistance program for the PPKM level 4 policy.

He hopes that this assistance can ease the burden on the community, especially Medan City in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Hopefully this assistance will run well and smoothly, so that it can help our people who really need it," said Aulia Rachman, Thursday, July 22.

Meanwhile, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi explained, this rice assistance was distributed to beneficiary families (KPM) both the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Cash Social Assistance (BST). registered as PKH and BST," explained Edy.

Head of Bulog Divre North Sumatra, Arif Mandu, admitted that his party distributed 10 million rice aid each for registered KPM, as recipients of PKH and BST nationally.

Of the 20 million KPM nationally, he continued, including North Sumatra Province, which recorded 952,531 beneficiary families. "Each KPM receives 10 kilograms of rice. Thus, the total ceiling in North Sumatra is 9,525,310 kilograms of rice," Arif explained.

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