JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) appreciates the decision of the Rector of the University of Indonesia (UI) Ari Kuncoro, to resign from the position of Deputy Chairman of the BRI Commissioner.

The Head of the Political Department of the PKS DPP Nabil Ahmad Fauzi, assessed that Ari Kuncoro's decision to resign from the position of a BUMN official was proof of his awareness of the violations he had committed. Although, after being heavily criticized by the public.

"We appreciate the awareness of the UI Chancellor to hear the public's aspirations for the polemics he has created for some time," Nabil told reporters, Thursday, July 22.

However, said Nabil, Ari's resignation as Deputy President Commissioner of BRI did not necessarily solve the problem. Because, the problem now lies in the UI Statutes that have just been revised by President Joko Widodo.

According to him, Government Regulation (PP) Number 75 of 2021 which is the second amendment to the UI Statutes must be returned to the old statute, namely PP Number 68 of 2013.

"The resignation of the UI Chancellor is one thing, another thing that is also important is the need for President Jokowi to review or even change the provisions in the PP revision of the UI Statute which opens a gap for concurrent positions," explained Nabil.

It is known, in the new UI Statutes, the UI Chancellor is only prohibited from concurrently serving as a "SOE / BUMD / private director". Whereas in the previous UI Statutes, the UI Chancellor was prohibited from holding concurrent positions as BUMD/BUMN commissioners because there was an affirmation of the word "official" in Article 35 letter c.

Nabil added, if the revised provisions are not changed again, it is not impossible that it will cause the same potential problems in the future.

"If the UI Statute is not changed, there will still be the potential for concurrent positions to occur in the future," said Nabil.

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