JAKARTA - The implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) during the transition period of DKI Jakarta resulted in crowds in several places. It is not impossible that this will trigger the transmission or spread of COVID-19.

Among others, the crowds at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) roundabout and the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area, Sunday, June 7. People are known to crowd the two areas just to exercise. Even though wearing a mask, the potential for transmission is still there.

Several ways to deal with the crowd after the implementation of the policy have been implemented. For the GBK area, restrictions on the number of visitors are claimed to have been implemented.

Head of Public Relations of the GBK Complex Management Center (PPK), Dyah Kumala Sari, said that the rules for limiting visitors to 50 percent of the total capacity have been implemented. In fact, if the number of visitors is more than the rule, the officer will prohibit other visitors from entering.

"We set the number of visitors to 50 percent (which is allowed, ed) according to government regulations," Dyah told VOI, Monday, June 8.

Based on existing data, the number of visitors to the GBK area per Sunday, June 7 reached 32 thousand people. However, it was not explained how much the capacity of the GBK area to accommodate visitors in full or 100 percent.

Thus, it cannot be ascertained that the rule to reduce 50 percent of the capacity of the place or location has been implemented properly or not.

"Data on Sunday, June 7, 2020, the number of visitors 32,307 people. We will stop incoming visitors when it reaches 50 percent," said Dyah.

Meanwhile, for the crowds that occurred in the Hotel Indonesia (HI) Roundabout area, the Head of Central Jakarta Satpol PP, Bernard Tambunan, said that the patrol system had been carried out. Later, if there is a crowd, the officers will admonish it firmly.

In fact, if there are people who are found not wearing masks, then sanctions in the form of fines will be immediately given. This refers to the Governor Regulation (Pergub) number 51 of 2020 concerning the Large-Scale Social Implementation (PSBB) of DKI Jakarta in the transition period.

"Guard, patrol, and temporarily socialize Pergub 51. Furthermore, the Pergub does not wear a mask, sanctions for cleaning or a fine of Rp. 250 thousand," said Bernad.

Applicable rules

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan officially issued Governor Regulation number 51 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) during the Transition Period Towards a Healthy, Safe, and Productive Society

So during June, Jakarta still implemented restrictions by implementing the COVID-19 prevention protocol, but with more relaxation. The goal is that people can do activities to fulfill their daily needs.

"The DKI Handling Acceleration Task Force has decided to extend the status of PSBB in DKI and set June as a transitional period. We are making a transition from massive restrictions to a safe, healthy and productive condition," said Anies at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 4th.

The transition period for the first phase begins with the relaxation on two principles. First, only on activities that have great benefits for the community, second, looking at the effects of controlled risks.

"We hope that this first phase can be completed by the end of this June. If we pass the June phase well and what that means, there is no significant increase in cases, all the indicators we mentioned show stability, then we can. into the second phase, "explained Anies.

Anies allows all social and cultural activities with a few notes. First, the number of people must be less than 50 percent of the capacity of the place or space. Second, always implement COVID-19 prevention protocols, such as maintaining a safe distance between people of 1 meter, wearing a mask, and always washing hands with soap.

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