JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX DPR RI Netty Prasetiyani Aher asked the government to evaluate the implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) as a whole, not just changing the term from emergency to level 4.

"There must be a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of PPKM to measure its effectiveness, not just changing terms," said Netty, Thursday, July 22.

As is known, the Government has decided to extend the Java-Bali Emergency PPKM until July 25 to suppress the surge in COVID-19 cases.

In the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Tito Karnavian Number 22 of 2021, the Java-Bali Emergency PPKM is now referred to as PPKM Level 4. Then, Inmendagri Number 23 of 2021 regulates the extension of Micro PPKM for areas in 27 other provinces.

"The number of our tests has dropped drastically to 68 percent in the last three days. Our positivity rate has also increased to 30 percent in the past week," he continued.

The Chairman of the COVID-19 Team for the PKS Fraction of the DPR RI assessed that claims that cases had decreased would not mean anything if testing was low. Therefore, according to Netty, the Government must have quantitative indicators to measure the success of PPKM.

"For example, what is the tolerable average BOR level, how many isoman patients are monitored, what about the availability of drugs, health workers' human resources, oxygen, PPE and other medical equipment," he said.

The West Java legislator emphasized that quantitative data is important to note considering the spike in cases and the expansion of the pandemic are also measured numerically. "How can the government build public confidence that PPKM is effective if it is not supported by clear and transparent statistics," explained Netty.

He also questioned whether the disbursement of health workers incentives and hospital claims had been paid or not. And how is the government's attention to the health workers who are at the forefront of handling COVID-19.

"Recently, we heard that the health worker resigned, there was even an ironic satire meme from the officer who took care of the corpse. The government needs to introspect and seriously fix the management of handling this pandemic," said Netty.

The deputy chairman of the PKS faction in the DPR said that indicators of the effectiveness of handling the pandemic and PPKM can also be seen from the daily vaccination realization figures. So the government must explain how the strategy is to achieve the vaccination target, which is now being increased to 5 million doses per day.

"Has the previous target of 2 million doses per day been achieved? Don't anesthetize the people with false happiness, while the acceleration strategy is not clear," he added.

Netty reminded that the government did not ignore the needs of the people during the PPKM period. Because he said, if the government compensates for the extension of the restrictions by fulfilling the obligation to meet the people's needs, then the people will understand, sympathize and support the policy.

"Don't ignore the people's fundamental needs during the PPKM period. People need food to survive, no more delays in disbursing social assistance," he said.

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