JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) plans to immediately announce its findings related to alleged human rights violations in the National Insight Test Assessment process for employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (TWK KPK).

If there are no obstacles, including those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, they plan to submit the results of the investigation at the end of July this month.

"Hopefully the end of July, but we will see the COVID situation," said Komnas HAM Monitoring Commissioner Choirul Anam when contacted by VOI, Thursday, July 22.

He explained that his team still had some work to do at this time. Including asking for information from experts to strengthen the analysis of their findings, one of which is from experts in constitutional law.

"Today, we are deepening with constitutional law experts to strengthen the concept, law and consequences of authority, institutional hierarchy and compliance with the law. This is part of the rule of law state," explained Anam.

In addition, Komnas HAM also clarified the KPK employees along with more detailed investigations regarding the implementation of the TWK. This, said Anam, was carried out after his party received information from other parties.

"We are deepening the details and clarifying some more information to KPK employees to ensure that factual developments are different from one another and to strengthen it with evidence after we get several statements from other parties," he said.

Previously, as many as 75 KPK employees who were declared not to have passed the TWK as a condition for changing their employee status to State Civil Apparatus reported their fate to a number of institutions such as Komnas HAM and the Indonesian Ombudsman. This report was made because they suspected that there was a violation that occurred in the test.

After examining a number of parties, including the Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, the Indonesian Ombudsman then announced his findings on Wednesday, July 21 yesterday. They said there was maladministration from the planning process to the appointment of employees as ASN.

One of the serious maladministration announced by the Ombudsman is related to changing the date or back date of the memorandum of understanding for the procurement of goods and services through self-management and self-management contracts in the implementation of the TWK of KPK employees. This memorandum of understanding was signed by the KPK and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

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