JAKARTA - PP Muhammadiyah supports President Joko Widodo's decision to extend the Policy for the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) until July 25 and will open it gradually starting July 26, 2021.

Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Anwar Abbas asked the public to be more obedient to implementing health protocols, if COVID-19 cases have decreased and the government will relax the PPKM policy.

Because according to him, the easiest and cheapest way to avoid the risk of transmission is to avoid crowds, reduce mobility, wear masks, and wash hands regularly.

"But, if the government will not continue or will loosen PPKM, the public is really asked and demanded to respect the existing health protocols," said Anwar in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 21.

Abbas considered that security forces need to go to markets, stations, and other places that will invite crowds to educate and warn if violations are found.

"This is to regulate and discipline the community so as not to violate the prokes, the presence of the apparatus is clearly very necessary," said Abbas.

Furthermore, he explained that the duty of the state and government based on the constitution is to protect the people.

Therefore, when the government has decided to extend and ask to reduce mobility, the community must also be given assistance as soon as possible so that their life needs are met.

"The government must help the people's economy with BLT as soon as possible and sufficiently so that they can meet their daily needs," he urged.

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