DENPASAR - The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the student government (PM) of Udayana University (Unud) Bali dubbed President Joko Widodo as "The Guardian of Oligarch".

The nickname through this image was uploaded by BEM PM Unud on his official Instagram @bem_udayana. President of BEM Unud, Muhammad Novriansyah Kusumapratama said the criticism was based on two of their studies obtained from academic experts at the Jakarta State University (UNJ) and Director of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Asfinawati.

"Yesterday, we made the first two studies on the study of the environment and the weakening of the KPK. That is the basis for us to issue criticism to Mr. President Joko Widodo and we also include opinions from academic experts from UNJ and the Director of YLBHI," said Novriansyah, when contacted , Monday, July 19.

He said the Udayana University BEM dubbed President Joko Widodo as "The Guardian of Oligarch" because many regulations or regulations were not in favor of the people. The policy called BEM Unud only benefits the authorities.

"This ruler in a sense, either from the government or businessmen affiliated with the government like that.

For example, there is our study of the Law on Creation of Cooperation and the Minerba Law and then it seems as if the exploitation of the rights of human life and the environment is perpetuating," he said.

"At the same time, it gives our view of what oligarchy means. Because, so far, what we feel in this country is that the rulers now have the same interests as interests for themselves," continued Novriansyah.

Uploads submitted by BEM PM Udayana University are divided into 6 Instagram post content. The upload is a digital action in order to criticize the Jokowi-Ma'ruf regime which is considered to be the guardian of the oligarchy.

"The definition of oligarchy according to academic Jeffrey A Winter, is an actor who controls and controls a large concentration of material resources that can be used to maintain or increase his personal wealth and exclusive position," wrote BEM PM Unud.

BEM PM Unud assessed that Jokowi often issued policies that prioritized the interests of certain groups. This interest even ignores the interests and welfare of the people themselves.

This can be seen from the conditions of power where there is a hijacking of institutions and regulations to form policies and legal instruments such as the KPK Law, the Job Creation Law, the Minerba Law which is detrimental to the people as a whole.

This policy, continued BEM PM Unud, has perpetuated the practice of corruption by corrupt politicians to the point of damaging the environment. In addition, BEM PM Unud also highlighted the increasingly repressed civil liberties, especially the presence of buzzers on social media.

The democratic space, continued BEM PM Unud, has narrowed. "Power today is guarded by buzzers who openly narrow the space for democracy and criticism," wrote BEM PM Unud.

Jokowi Ever Respond to the Nickname King of Lip Service

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had previously responded casually to the nickname The King of Lip Service pinned by BEM UI. For Jokowi, criticism does not need to be questioned.

Jokowi responded to the hectic social media timeline about the nickname The King of Lip Service. Jokowi called the nickname ordinary because he had previously attached a number of words with negative connotations.

"Lastly, someone said that I was 'The King of Lip Service'. Yes, I think this is a form of student expression and this is a democratic country. So criticism is okay, universities don't need to prevent students from expressing themselves," Jokowi said in a video caption that was shown on Twitter. Presidential Secretariat YouTube, Tuesday, 29 June.

But Jokowi reminded that in expressing or criticizing all parties without exception, it is necessary to remember the existence of a culture of manners and manners.

In addition, he also emphasized that the government is focusing on controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, which is currently increasing significantly.

"Remember, we have a culture of etiquette, we have a culture of politeness," said Jokowi.

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