JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo did not attend World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) organized by the KPK and preferred to attend the drama Performance Without Corruption at SMKN 57, Jakarta on Monday, December 9. He reasoned that this year we should replace it with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, because every year, Jokowi always attends Harkodia held by the KPK.
"Every year I attend, every year I attend, but Mr. Ma'ruf has never been there. Yes, share it, I keep going every year, Mr. Ma'ruf has never been there, please Mr. Ma'ruf, I in another place, "said President Jokowi after watching the #PrestasiTanpaKorupsi performance at SMKN 57 Jakarta, reported by Antara.
President Jokowi was present at the commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day organized by the KPK from 2016, 2017 and 2018. Meanwhile, in 2015, Hakordia was opened by the then Vice President Jusuf Kalla and in 2016 by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. Whereas this year, a series of Hakordia events were held on December 6-13 2019 and attended by Ma'ruf Amin accompanied by the Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, and Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate.
At SMKN 57 Jakarta, President Jokowi, who was accompanied by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly and the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, watched the staging of the drama "Achievement Without Corruption". From Antara's observation, Jokowi appeared to laugh several times watching the drama.
This drama was played by Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Whisnutama, Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir and artists Bedu and Sogi Indra Dhuaja. Nadiem, Whisnutama, Bedu and Sogi act as school students complete with high school clothes, while Erick Thohir is a meatball maker complete with a hat and neck towel.
After this event, Jokowi said that the corruption eradication program, especially those carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), needed to be evaluated. The main thing, said Jokowi, is to evaluate the prosecution system in eradicating corruption.
"The system is very important in order to provide a fence so that fraud does not occur. Second, in my opinion this is also very important, political recruitment. The political recruitment process is very important so that political recruitment requires a large fee so that later people will look at how the return is dangerous, "said Jokowi, adding that political recruitment is how to recruit political party cadres who occupy positions in the legislative and executive branches.
"Third, where is our focus first? Do not do everything it will not solve the problem, evaluations like this are what we have to start correcting and evaluating, so that every action has concrete results that can be measured," he said while saying, still supporting. hand catch operation (OTT) carried out by the KPK but needs to be accompanied by improvements to the system.
"Fourth, in my opinion, OTT, action is necessary, but after prosecution there must be an improvement in the system of entry to the agency, for example a governor is arrested after being arrested, the system should be improved," he said.
On the evaluation of the anti-corruption program, Jokowi will soon meet with KPK leaders, including the supervisory board (Dewas), which is the new organ of the KPK after the enactment of Law No. 19 of 2019 concerning amendments to the KPK Law.
"Therefore, I will soon meet with the KPK to prepare the things that I will convey both conveying system improvements, both the recruitment of the third political system regarding the focus on the KPK, whether improvements are on the executive, regional or central government side or the Police or the Attorney General's Office? So the focus must be determined so that it is not sporadic. Evaluation is very necessary, "said the President.
In addition, Jokowi assessed that the four things to be evaluated also needed to be discussed with political parties, especially regarding the political recruitment system. "But once again I say that we must focus not sporadically, like everything is done, it is impossible to solve the problem, believe me, where do we start? The political recruitment system is all together from there, or the improvement of the central government system, let's start," he added. .
President Jokowi also emphasized the improvement of a number of electronic systems that have been worked on but have not been maximized, such as e-procurement, e-tendering, e-budgeting. "It must be repaired continuously so that we can improve the system. The most important thing we do is e-procurement (electronic procurement), e-tendering (electronic tender) already exists, but there is still something like this which means there must be system improvement," he said.
Welcoming World Anti-Corruption Day, President @jokowi attended the #PrestasiTanpaKorupsi Performance, at SMK Negeri 57, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, Monday (9/12) morning. On this stage the Minister of BUMN, Mendikbud, Menparekraf, and comedians Bedu and Sogi Indra Dhuaja participated play a role. pic.twitter.com/zfVLMh7Wnt
- Cabinet Secretariat (@setkabgoid) December 9, 2019
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