MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution anticipates a surge in confirmed cases of COVID-19 by reviewing several hotels as alternative places for isolation of corona patients.

"We have seen several locations that we will use as isolation places for exposed residents, one of which is the former Soechi Hotel," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 17.

He explained that the plan for the 12-story building with a capacity of 247 rooms which is an asset of the Medan City Government (Pemkot) still has supporting facilities.

"We may use this place as a location for self-isolation or an emergency COVID-19 hospital," said President Joko Widodo's son-in-law.

The Mayor of Medan also reviewed the D-Glass Residence on Jalan Gelas, Sei Putih Tengah Village, Medan Petisah District.

"After we see the readiness, this place is not yet possible. Because, we want to provide comfort for sufferers," said Bobby Nasution.

Meanwhile, the Medan City COVID-19 Task Force report as of Friday, July 16 noted that 21,051 people were confirmed positive, of which 17,830 recovered, 654 died and 2,567 people were treated.

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