DENPASAR - The COVID-19 pandemic has made many people lose their jobs, ranging from being laid off to layoffs. Bali, which relies on the tourism sector, has been badly affected by the pandemic because of the lack of tourists.

In the midst of these difficult conditions, a couple in Bali, Anak Agung Satya Wibhawa and Isyaita Tungga Dewi were moved to help people affected by COVID-19.

Satya Wibhawa and his wife created a movement to help the community with the name 'AkuForBali'. The movement is still ongoing during the Emergency PPKM 3-20 July.

Satya Wibhawa said that he had actually carried out this movement since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bali.

"Initially, since last year since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic starting at the end of March," Satya said when contacted, Friday, July 16.

Together with his beloved wife, Satya helped to cook hundreds of portions of food to be distributed to the community.

"Initially, we cooked starting from 1,000 and 500 servings, then there were areas that we couldn't reach. Finally, we distributed basic necessities. Because, the PPKM situation now is impossible for us to cook, because health care is for basic necessities," he added.

Currently, his party is concentrating on distributing basic food aid to the community which is distributed by the 'AkuForBali' movement. A number of food packages, namely rice, instant noodles, eggs, cooking oil, cooking spices, milk, sugar, coffee, tea, and other daily necessities.

Furthermore, together with other volunteers, Satya went around almost every day to provide assistance to residents affected by the pandemic. In one day, there are about 50 to 60 food packages distributed.

"Initially my wife and I moved, but now we have been assisted by other volunteers," said Satya, who also works as an advocate.

In addition to those affected from an economic perspective, assistance was also distributed to those who were undergoing self-isolation due to being positive for COVID-19.

Information about them, who are currently self-isolating, was obtained directly by volunteers spread across regencies and cities throughout Bali.

"The other day there were people affected in Kuta who were undergoing self-isolation, we immediately delivered food and food packages there," said Satya.

The majority of the assistance distributed was using private capital. However, recently there have been a number of people who have also been involved in distributing aid through the AkuForBali movement.

"But with or without (donations), we will keep going. Yes, private funds and there are also friends who help in moderation," he explained.

Satya and his wife started the AkuForBali movement because many Balinese people can't work because tourism is low.

Satya hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic will soon pass. In this way, the economic life of the residents will improve.

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