JAKARTA - Today President Joko Widodo began distributing free medicine and vitamin packages for COVID-19 self-isolation (isoman) patients in Java and Bali. Then, how to get the drug package?

This method was explained by the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. Initially, the puskesmas or village midwives recorded data on self-isolated patients in their respective areas.

This is because the initial recording of positive cases of COVID-19 based on the results of the RT PCR swab examination was at the puskesmas level.

"The distribution will be adjusted to the data held by the puskesmas, with the conditions determined by the puskesmas, including the results of the swab and indeed the community must carry out isoman," Hadi said at the Merdeka Palace, Thursday, July 15.

Then, if there are isoman patients who have not been registered at the puskesmas, Hadi appealed to the local RT and RW to report to the puskesmas or village midwife, accompanied by the results of the RT PCR.

"If you really want to get the drug, please directly convey it to the village midwife, then the puskesmas officers," said Hadi.

After being recorded, the puskesmas officers will perform triage, classifying which isoman patients experience mild, moderate, or severe symptoms, to no symptoms.

"After the data is available, Babinsa will provide the drug package to people in need and will be delivered with assistance from village midwives and health center officers," he explained.

Of the 300 thousand packages of drugs and vitamins distributed, the government divided them into three packages, namely package 1 containing vitamins for residents with positive asymptomatic PCR (polymerase chain reaction) results or OTG.

Package 2 contains vitamins and medicine for residents with positive PCR with complaints of fever and loss of smell. The last 3 packages contain vitamins and medicine for residents with positive PCR with complaints of fever and dry cough.

Previously, during the launch of the distribution of drug packages, President Joko Widodo emphasized that the drug and vitamin packages given to residents undergoing isomanism on the islands of Java and Bali were not traded. "These three packages of self-isolation drugs are not for sale," said Jokowi.

Jokowi also requested that the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto supervise the distribution of free medicines and vitamins for these COVID-19 self-isolated patients.

In the distribution of this drug, the distribution will be coordinated by the ranks of the TNI. Then, it will coordinate with the local government to the village government, which will also involve the puskesmas, Babinsa and RT-RW administrators.

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