MEDAN - New cases of COVID-19 jumped dramatically in North Sumatra,. It was recorded that there were an addition of 811 people who were exposed to the corona virus in North Sumatra.

The city of Medan became the largest contributor with 404 people or almost half of the total cases in North Sumatra as of yesterday.

North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi claimed the spike in new cases was due to his party maximizing the PCR swab process. According to Gubsu Edy, 4,600 people were carried out by mass swabs on Tuesday, July 14.

"We maximize the swab to do tracing. So the (exposed) will get bigger. WHO provides input, especially North Sumatra, it is mandatory for 2,500 people to be swab per day, so yesterday I asked those who did the swab up to 4,600 people, so the number of people exposed to it increases," " said Edy, Wednesday, July 15.

According to Governor Edy, swab tests will be carried out in a number of areas. Including areas where the amount of exposure is small.

"So a small area that is exposed, is not necessarily not exposed," he explained.

Governor Edy also explained that with the number of people who were swab, it would help his party to suppress the spread of the corona virus in North Sumatra.

"If it becomes 'swelling' (which is exposed) to him, it's okay if the swelling is so big, so we can definitely (treat it), whether it's self-isolation that is mild or asymptomatic or moderate, we will isolate it at the hospital. " he said.

Meanwhile, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution also acknowledged the increase in COVID-19 because his party also maximally carried out swab tests to Medan residents.

"Cases are increasing in line with the number of tests we carry out. The increase in the last week has reached 2,000 in tests," said Bobby.

Bobby Nasution said the corona positivity rate has also decreased. But he still asked the public to continue to obey the COVID-19 health protocols.

"It can also be seen that the positivity rate actually decreased by 2 percent. From 30.01 percent to 28 percent. This means, although it has increased, what we have to look at is the indicator of the positivity rate, meaning that the number of people tested and positive has indeed decreased," he said. Bobby.

However, Bobby said, with the surge in COVID-19 reaching 404 people, the corona case cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, Bobby Nasution asked all parties to strengthen each other during this pandemic.

"This will be (our) responsibility, not only the Medan City Government but also the community. This is not a disgrace, don't be ridiculed, don't be ostracized," Bobby said.

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