JAKARTA - The wife of the Mayor of Palu, Central Sulawesi Province, Diah Puspita, has been confirmed positive for COVID-19. Diah is currently undergoing self-isolation in Jakarta.

"The report we have received is that the wife of the Mayor of Palu is in self-isolation and is receiving treatment from a medical team in Jakarta," said Head of Protocol and Communications Section for the Palu City Regional Secretariat, Yuyun Yotomaruangi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 14.

The head of the Palu City Empowerment and Family Welfare Mobilization Team (TP-PKK), was exposed to the corona virus while in the state capital Jakarta.

It was also reported that not only the wife of the mayor of Palu, but her two children were also exposed to COVID-19 while in Jakarta.

He explained that the head of the Palu City TP-PKK had been exposed to COVID-19 for the last two days and immediately took anticipatory steps by self-isolation to reduce the risk of transmitting it to other people in their neighborhood.

"Their physical condition is healthy. In order not to infect others, they choose to self-isolate and hopefully they will always be given strength," he said.

He hoped that Palu residents would always comply with health protocols (prokes) namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap in running water, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility (5M).

"Prokes discipline and 5M are important to be applied in everyday life, both when doing activities at home and at work, because this method is quite effective in avoiding the transmission of the corona virus," he said.

He emphasized that COVID-19 does not look at young or old age or gender, so residents need to increase vigilance against the threat of the virus, because transmission cannot be seen with the naked eye.

In addition, Yuyun also invited the residents of Palu to succeed in the vaccination program promoted by the government in order to achieve communal immunity or herd immunity.

"The government continues to make every effort to suppress the rate of transmission of COVID-19 in the community through the policies that have been implemented," said Yuyun Yotomaruangi.

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