JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) is in the public spotlight because of controversial elite statements.

After the Deputy Secretary General of PAN, Rosaline Irene Rumaseuw asked for the construction of a special hospital for officials, now it is the turn of the Chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, to ask for a special ICU for members of the DPR.

Both of them expressed their opinion because they were disappointed that a member of the DPR from PAN died due to being handled late because they did not get a room for treating COVID-19 patients

According to political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Ujang Komaruddin, the party elite's statements could harm PAN itself.

"What Mrs. Rosaline said was wrong, it actually harmed PAN. So PAN itself must clarify and apologize," said Ujang to VOI, Wednesday, July 14.

Ujang understands, in the midst of this pandemic of course all political parties want to find the stage and attention to increase their prestige and electability. However, PAN wants to play it safe.

"I don't know where PAN's position is. Right now, PAN's position is in the middle, in the coalition, there's no opposition, so the point is to just look for safety. Finding safety is certainly the middle way to be a solution," he explained.

On the one hand, said Ujang, PAN will be disadvantaged because of the controversial news that is considered to want preferential treatment. But on the other hand, PAN wants to take a share of the people's support for criticizing the government.

"Regarding (the reason, ed) the death of a PAN cadre who became a member of the DPR is a loss for PAN. But at the same time he wants to criticize the government in order to get points from the people as well," he said.

Likewise, if it wants to get President Jokowi's attention, PAN is called a difficulty. Even if it wants to be neutral, PAN must be able to balance its position. Good to the government, and good to the people if you don't want to blunder and lose.

"If he supports the government, seeking the government's attention but ignoring public opinion or the people, this is also difficult. It must be divided in the middle. One side must be on good terms with the government, one side must be good with the people. So it must be balanced, otherwise it will harm PAN itself," Ujang explained.

Even if PAN wants a ministerial seat, said Ujang, the move by the party led by Zulkifli Hasan will certainly be trapped by other parties, especially coalition political parties.

"It's difficult now, it seems that other coalition parties have stumbled. Maybe Pak Jokowi wants to, but the other coalition parties don't want to, so until now they have never been able to get a share. Even though PAN has been close," he explained.

Therefore, added Ujang, PAN cadres must be even more careful in expressing their opinions in the future so as not to harm their party. This will certainly affect the results of the competition in the upcoming elections.

"So it is actually detrimental to PAN. This is what the PAN elite must be more careful about. If PAN wants to compete with other parties in the election," said Ujang.

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