JAKARTA - The former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi and his son-in-law Riezky Herbiyono ended up at a house in the Simprug area, South Jakarta. The two fugitives in the case of alleged receipt of bribes and gratuities totaling Rp46 billion had to end their escape after being arrested by the KPK investigative team led by Novel Baswedan.

In these arrests, the KPK not only arrested Nurhadi and Riezky. The team of investigators on duty also took part in securing the wife of the former MA Secretary, Tin Zuraida and a number of pieces of evidence allegedly connected to this case.

The arrest counted as a success. Given that the anti-graft agency has determined and included both of them in the wanted list (DPO) since last February with a person whose whereabouts are unknown, namely the Director of PT Multicon Indrajaya Terminal (MIT) Hiendra Soenjoto.

Initial determination of Nurhadi as a suspect

Nurhadi and his son-in-law were named by the KPK as suspects in the alleged bribery and gratuity case of Rp46 billion. The suspect was named when the KPK was still chaired by Agus Rahardjo.

"After observing the facts that developed in the investigation and trial, the KPK found sufficient preliminary evidence in bribery cases related to the handling of cases carried out around 2015-2016 and gratuities related to office and contrary to their duties and obligations which were not reported in the maximum term. 30 working days to the KPK, "said KPK Deputy Chairperson Saut Situmorang in a press conference for determining the suspect in December 2019.

The bribe is suspected to be related to the processing of civil cases at the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, regarding gratuities, Nurhadi is suspected of receiving prizes related to the handling of land dispute cases at the cassation level and a judicial review at the Supreme Court.

"So, overall NHD (Nurhadi) through RHE (Rezky Herbiyono) has received promises in the form of 9 checks from PT MIT as well as bribes or gratuities totaling Rp46 billion," said Saut.

The case that ensnared Nurhadi and his son-in-law, was actually the case development of a hand-catching operation (OTT) in the case arrangement case at the Supreme Court in 2016.

In this silent operation, the anti-corruption agency ensnared Central Jakarta District Court (PN) clerk Edy Nasution and an employee of PT Artha Pratama, Doddy Aryanto Supeno. Furthermore, the KPK, which continues to develop cases, also ensnares the former President Commissioner of the Lippo Group, Eddy Sindoro.

Returning to the case that ensnared Nurhadi, after being declared a suspect and absent twice from the suspect's examination, the KPK then named Nurhadi and Riezky as fugitives.

"The suspects who after being summoned twice as suspects, namely NH, et al, were absent or absent from the summons of KPK investigators, so we convey that the KPK has published a wanted list, DPO," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri to reporters at his office.

When Nurhadi became a fugitive and was in pursuit, the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) once said that the former MA Secretary ordered someone else to exchange Rp3 billion at a money changer in Jakarta.

"Earlier this week I received the latest information received regarding Nurhadi's traces in the form of a place to exchange foreign money into rupiah," said MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman in May.

He said there were two locations where Nurhadi used to exchange the dollars he had, namely in the Cikini and Mampang areas. Every week, said Boyamin, Nurhadi exchanged money twice around Rp1 billion for everyday life.

"And on weekends there are more, around Rp1.5 billion for construction workers' salaries and salaries for guards," he said.

Apart from Boyamin, Chairman of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Presidium Neta S Pane also stated that Nurhadi had been tracked down in a number of mosques.

"The former Secretary General of the Supreme Court, Nurhadi, was tracked down five times during the midday prayer. However, the fugitive from the KPK managed to escape when he was about to be arrested. IPW sources said that the KPK, assisted by the National Police, continued to try to arrest Nurhadi," said Neta.

He then said, Nurhadi moved around the mosque to carry out the duha prayer. "At least five mosques have been monitored. The source is optimistic that Nurhadi will soon be caught. IPW hopes Nurhadi can be caught before Lebaran, so that it can become an Eid gift from the KPK for the community," he said.

The team led by Novel Baswedan was arrested

In the arrest, the KPK investigating team was led by Novel Baswedan. This was conveyed by former Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Bambang Widjojanto, via his Twitter account @sosmedbw with the hashtag GREBEK_DPO.

"Bravo. Binggo. Who is Nyana. Novel Baswedan led the operation himself and succeeded in freezing the fugitive of the KPK, Nurhadi, the former Secretary General of the Supreme Court at Simpruk who had been DPO for more than 100 days. Even though his eyes were robbed by criminals who were" protected "but his inner eye, integrity and determination remained riveting. This is just cool, "said Bambang as quoted from his account.

He added that during the arrest, the KPK investigating team broke down the gates and doors of the fugitive's house because they were reluctant to surrender.

After successfully entering and accompanied by the RT in the area, Nurhadi and Riezky were found at that location.

"KPK investigators based on information from the people accompanied by RT successfully searched the DPO KPK house in the dark Simpruk. Two DPOs were found as well as another person who was always absent when summoned by the KPK," wrote the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP). corruption prevention sector.

The deputy chairman of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, also conveyed the same chronology. The arrests, he said, had been carried out since 18.00 WIB when investigators received information from the public regarding the whereabouts of two people who were on the wanted list (DPO).

Next, the team then moved to the house which is located at Jalan Simprug Golf No.1, Grogol Selatan, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta with a warrant for arrest and search. According to him, the KPK team arrived at the former MA Secretary's safe house around 21.30 WIB.

"Initially the KPK investigating team was persuasive by knocking on the fence of the house but was ignored. Then the KPK investigators, accompanied by the head of the local RW and local RT administrators, made forced efforts to break the locks of the gates and doors of the house," Ghufron said in a press conference broadcast on the account. YouTube KPK, Tuesday, June 2.

After successfully entering the house which was a hiding place, the KPK immediately arrested Nurhadi and Riezky in two different rooms in the house. "(Investigators, red) immediately made arrests of both of them," he said.

Then, the investigating team immediately took the two people to the KPK Red and White House to carry out further investigations related to the case. After completing their investigations, the two of them will be detained for the next 20 days at the Rutan KPK Kavling C1.

The two fugitives are suspected of accepting bribes and gratuities related to the processing of a civil case between PT. MIT and PT. KBN (Persero) of approximately Rp. 14 billion; The civil case dispute over shares in PT. MIT amounted to approximately Rp.33.1 billion and gratuities related to court cases of approximately Rp.12.9 billion, so that the accumulation allegedly received was approximately Rp.46 billion.

For these actions, Nurhadi and Riezky were later suspected of violating Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b subsidiary to Article 5 paragraph (2) more than a subsidiary of Article 11 and / or Article 12B of Law Number 31 Year 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

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