JAKARTA - The National Police will increase the number of isolation points throughout the Java-Bali region. The addition is related to the planned extension of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) period. "Yes, add bulkhead points and thicken personnel," said Police Headquarters Inspector General Istiono to reporters, Wednesday, July 14. However, as to the number and at which points the restrictions will be applied, Istiono has not been able to convey it. Because, it depends on the decision of each Regional Police. "Each Polda adds (blocking points) both on arterial and toll roads," said Istiono. DPR RI Budget (Banggar) on Monday, July 12. “Emergency PPKM for 4-6 weeks is carried out to contain the spread of COVID-19 cases. People's mobility is expected to decrease significantly,” he said. As for now, the total blockage has reached 651 points. The hundreds of points are spread throughout Java to Bali. "The number is 651 (points), and this continues to be dynamic (additions)," said Head of the Operations Section of the National Police Korlantas Kombes Rudy Antariksawan in an online discussion, Wednesday, July 7.

Previously, there were 407 isolation points in all areas of Java and Bali. The addition of isolation points depends on the results of the evaluations that are carried out every day. "Continue to evaluate every day the ranks and regions evaluate," said Rudy. Because, if it is only focused on border areas, it will have an impact on accumulation at the barrier point.

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