MAJALENGKA - Majalengka Resort Police (Polres), West Java, ensured that the price of drugs in their jurisdiction was still stable after checking at several pharmacies.

"From our checks, the prices of medicines in Majalengka are still stable," said Majalengka Police Chief AKBP Syamsul Huda in Majalengka as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 13.

Majalengka Police continue to monitor and check drug prices at a number of pharmacies. This effort was made to anticipate a spike in drug prices above the highest retail price (HET) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, routine pharmacy checks were held during the implementation of the emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Majalengka Regency. Police Chief Syamsul wants to make sure everything is under control.

"We routinely hold them. There are also members who are ready to move if they receive complaints about drug price spikes, this is a form of our response in maintaining stable retail drug prices for the community," he said.

He added that if it is found that there are pharmacies that increase the price of drugs outside of HET, then his party will not hesitate to take action and process them through legal channels.

Moreover, to hoarding medicines that are currently needed by the community, he asked that all obey and together fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

"If someone is playing games, we will act, especially when the drugs are stockpiled," he said.

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