JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini protested to a number of ASN in Balai Wyataguna Bandung, because they were considered not to help cook in the public kitchen created by the Ministry of Social Affairs to distribute food to the public.
During her visit, Risma found that there was a public kitchen that was only done by officers from Tagana and other officers. Meanwhile, he assessed that other ASN within the Ministry of Social Affairs only worked in their respective offices.
"So don't separate them, if I make a (public kitchen) here, it means it's the Ministry of Social Affairs, not the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, so nothing shows up, this is the Ministry of Social Affairs, how come it's still divided up like that," said Risma at Wyataguna Hall , Bandung City, West Java, reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 17.
According to Risma, all elements working in the social environment need to increase their sensitivity and concern for the conditions experienced by small people during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
Risma assessed that the public kitchen that was made to serve the food needs of the community would not necessarily run optimally if the ASNs were still focused on their respective jobs.
"People there can't eat because they can't sell, they can't do activities, but if the work (public kitchen) is like that, how can that be," said Risma.
The former mayor of Surabaya also threatened to transfer the ASN in Wyataguna to work in the Papua area because they did not help with the work in the soup kitchen.
"Now I don't want to see it like this, if I look again, I move it to Papua, I can't fire it if I'm not wrong, but I can move it to Papua there, friends," he said.
Meanwhile, Risma targets the public kitchen in Wyataguna to produce 2,000 food packages to be distributed to various elements of society in the Greater Bandung area, including residents who are self-isolating.
"If there are people who ask for isoman, we will serve them, so just serve them all," said Risma.
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