JAKARTA - The Director of Drug Investigation at the South Kalimantan Police, Sr. Comr. Tri Wahyudi, said that drug syndicates in the area often use underprivileged residents to become dealers or couriers who market the prohibited goods.

"This fact is certainly quite sad, many of our brothers from the middle class of the economy to low levels of education have fallen victim to a syndicate of traffickers," he said, in Banjarmasin, Tuesday.

In every disclosure of narcotics crime cases, the police often find suspects who are only unemployed youths, a casual daily transporter to night guards and so on.

When arrested, the perpetrator admitted that he was only ordered by someone to sell drugs and was promised wages from the dealer who gave the order.

"The network cell system is disconnected, so sometimes even these couriers don't know the identity of the order giver because they only communicate by telephone. If the courier is caught, the port will disappear," Tri explained.

For this reason, he reminded the public not to be tempted by the persuasion of the dealer network. He emphasized that everyone involved in the drug business would eventually be caught.

"So stop being a dealer before you get caught. The criminal penalty for narcotics is very heavy, up to life imprisonment and even a death sentence," he said.

In the latest case, the Sub-Directorate 1 team of the Narcotics Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police led by AKBP Meilki Bharata arrested a man MH (46) for circulating six packages of methamphetamine weighing 21.56 grams.

The suspect, who works as a night watchman aka wakar in a housing estate in Banjarmasin and even then, must be held accountable for his actions under Article 114 paragraph (2) subs Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35/2009 concerning Narcotics.

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