JAKARTA - The Status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Jakarta will end on June 4, or in the next two days. After that, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan will decide on the next policy that the community will undertake during the pre-COVID-19 period.
The government is currently promoting new norms or activities by implementing health protocols. However, in Jakarta there is a discourse on the existence of Local Scale Social Restrictions (PSBL) in a number of areas.
Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Population and Settlement Control, Suharti, confirmed that there are plans to restrict 62 RWs in Jakarta after the PSBB. The designated areas are densely populated areas with a high level of transmission of COVID-19 or what is known as the red zone.
"(PSBL) is at the RW, 62 RW level. Because the rate of transmission is still high. The details are at the Health Office," Suharti said when contacted, Tuesday, June 2.
However, the plan to impose local restrictions in 62 RWs is still being discussed with the Jakarta Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) today. "It's still under discussion," he said.
The restriction of 62 RWs has drawn criticismThe PSBL 62 RW plan was criticized by the Secretary of Commission E for the People's Welfare of the DKI DPRD, Jhonny Simanjuntak. Jhonny said that the prevention of COVID-19 by limiting a number of areas and easing the PSBB in other areas would not be effective.
"There are also many virus transmissions in places that have the potential for crowds, such as in markets, offices, factories, which actually the Provincial Government should pay attention to," said Jhonny.
The provincial government should have intensified the socialization of the implementation of health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands using soap, and avoiding crowds if it is not important.
"It must be socialized as a whole and intensively. Yesterday there was a provision for floods, that alone was used for appeals. Take advantage of mosques or churches so that the socialization is carried out," he said.
For information, today the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan invited the sub-district, sub-district and RW level officials in the red zone to provide PSBL briefings, including the following:
The district level includes:
Camat Tanah Abang Camat SenenCamat Johar BaruCempaka Putih SubdistrictCamat Sawah BesarCamat MentengCamat KemayoranCamat PademanganCamat Tanjung PriokCamat PenjaringanCamat KojaCilincing Subdistrict Kelapa Gading Subdistrict Tambora Subdistrict Palmerah Subdistrict Tamansari SubdistrictCamat Grogol PetamburanCamat Kamat Kamat
At the Kelurahan level:
Lurah Kebon Kacang, Lurah Kebon MelatiLurah PetamburanLurah KramatLurah Kampung RawaLurah Cempaka Putih BaratLurah Cempaka Putih Timur, Lurah Mangga Dua SelatanLurah Gondangdia, Lurah Cempaka Baru, Head of Pademangan Bara, Lurah Sunter Agung Head of PenjaringanLurah Lagoa Lurah Cilincing Lurah Badak Semper Barat Lurah Jembatan Besi Lurah Krendang Lurah Angke Lurah Pekojan Lurah Duri Utara Lurah Kali Anyar Lurah Tanah Cereal Lurah Bambu Utara Lurah Jatipulo Lurah Palmerah Lurah Maphar Lurah A Tank Lurah Grogol Lurah Tomang Lurah A Joglo Lurah Srengseng A Labu Pondok Labu Lebak Bulus Lurah A Lurah A Karet Lurah Kalibata Lurah Head of Pondok Bambu Lurah Pondok Kelapa Urban Village Head Village Batu Ampar Village Head Balekambang Village Village Chinese Bidara Village Head Ciracas Urban Village Village Kelapa Island Village Tidung Island Village
RW level:
Chairman of RW 07, 09 Kebon Kacang Chairman of RW 12, 13, 14 Kebon Melati Chairman of RW 02, 04 Petamburan Chairman of RW 06 Kramat Chairman of RW 02 Kampung Rawa Chairman of RW 01 Cempaka Putih Barat Chairman of RW 03, 07 Cempaka Putih Timur Chairman of RW 10 Mangga Dua Selatan Chairman RW 01 Gondangdia Chairman RW 02 Cempaka Baru Chairman RW 07, 10, 11, 12, 14 West Pademangan Chairman RW 17 Sunter Agung Chairman RW 12, 17 Penjaringan Chairman RW 11 Penjaringan Chairman RW 04 Rawa Badak Selatan Chairman RW 01 Sukapura RW Chairman 01, 09 Semper Barat Chairman of RW 08 Kelapa Gading Barat Chairman of RW 01, 04, 07 Jembatan Besi Chairman of RW 01, 06 Krendang Chairman of RW 11 Angke Chairman of RW 03 Pekojan Chairman of RW 07 Duri Utara Chairman of RW 08 Kali Anyar Chairman of RW 12 Tanah Sereal Chairman RW 03 Kota Bambu Utara Chairperson RW 05 Jatipulo Chairman RW 04 Palmerah Chairman RW 05 Maphar Chairman RW 03, 04 Tank Chairman RW 01 Grogol Chairman RW 06 Tomang Chairman RW 01 Joglo Chairwoman RW 05 Srengseng Chairman RW 02, 08 Pondok Labu Chairman RW 05 Lebak Bulus Chairman of RW 01 Utan Kayu Selatan Chairman of RW 07 Kayumanis Chairman of RW 03 Pondok Bamb u Chairman of RW 02 Pondok Kelapa Chairman of RW 04 Kampung Tengah Chairman of RW 03 Batu Ampar Chairman of RW 05 Balekambang Chairman of RW 07 Bidara Cina Chairperson of RW 10 Ciracas
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