JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani has asked the government to prioritize empathy during the enforcement of emergency PPKM regulations in a number of areas. Therefore, according to Puan Maharani, a persuasive and humanist approach must be prioritized, so that all levels of society understand the threat of the spread of COVID-19 which has caused casualties." To want to follow the Emergency PPKM rules, the people must be persuaded, don't be scolded, let alone just spray," said Puan Maharani as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 13. traders lose. However, according to him, it should be as much as possible to avoid chaos in enforcing the rules in the field. He regrets that there is still enforcement of the Emergency PPKM rules that do not prioritize the humanist side, resulting in a spontaneous reaction from a number of community members which eventually causes chaos. intends to violate the Emergency PPKM in the midst of the threat of COVID-19. I am sure no one wants to be infected with COVID-19, but it is also necessary to realize that there are still people's basic needs that are not being met with this restriction," he said. the realization of social protection for communities affected by Emergency PPKM. This, according to him, is mainly because some Indonesians depend on the informal sector, the tourism industry, and the creative industry. "Not a few of our people make a living in the informal sector. If they don't work, then there is no income they can earn. make the kitchen 'buzz'," continued Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) assessed that accelerating the delivery of aid would be very beneficial to support the purchasing power of the people who are still not recovering due to the pandemic. He also invited the whole community to continue to ignite optimism in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. . Apart from that, according to him, the government and all elements of society will continue to work hard to deal with the stagnation that has not subsided.

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