JAKARTA - A number of sanctions for violating the emergency PPKM are set to discipline all Indonesian people. This is done to achieve the emergency PPKM target, which is less than 10,000 COVID-19 cases per day.

It is known that the Java-Bali emergency PPKM will be implemented from 3 to 20 July 2021. As for 15 regions outside Java-Bali, the emergency PPKM will only take effect yesterday, Monday, July 12, until July 20, 2021.

In order to minimize violations during the emergency PPKM period, member of Commission IX DPR RI Kurniasih Mufidayati asked the government to accelerate the provision of social assistance (Bansos) to incentives to communities and agencies affected by the policy.

"Social assistance and incentives to the public or agencies must be provided during Emergency PPKM. So that they can comply because they receive support from the government," said Mufida when contacted, Tuesday, July 13.

In addition, the legislator of the DKI Jakarta electoral district also urged that the distribution or distribution of social assistance could be accelerated. The central government, he said, should have corrected the social assistance data.

"So don't just blame the local government," said Mufida.

Apart from social assistance, the PKS politician assessed that the government also needs to ensure the availability of oxygen and medicine for isolated patients with mild symptoms. This, said Mufida, is necessary so that mobility and crowds looking for drugs and oxygen can be reduced.

"They can be handled immediately to reduce the potential for transmission to people in the household," said Mufida.

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