GRESIK - The East Java Provincial Government ensures that the oxygen stock in the local area is sufficient, because each oxygen producer in the area has allocated supplies for the future.

Deputy Governor of East Java, Emil Elestianto Dardak when conducting a review of one of the oxygen producing factories, namely PT Linde Indonesia Gresik Plant, in Gresik said the East Java Provincial Government had also mapped the sources of oxygen producers.

In addition, also directly check the location of the factory or producer to ensure the availability of sufficient oxygen.

"Yes, we came here at the direction of the Governor yesterday. The governor has visited these two oxygen factories in Gresik, namely Air Product and Samator, today he reviewed the availability of facilities in Madiun, and I was assigned to review Linde Gresik," said Emil, quoted by Antara, Monday , July 12.

In the review, Emil said the oxygen producer had allocated 75 tons for two weeks and added 50 tons per week to meet medical needs in East Java.

"Alhamdulillah, for the support from BUMN, then also through PT Smelting, which was previously allocated for industry, now part of it is allocated for medical needs, we hope this can help the current situation," he said.

Meanwhile, General Manager of PT Linde Indonesia Gresik Plant, Agus Salim said, the visit from the government was a form of appreciation for PT Linde Indonesia Gresik Plant.

"Thank you for visiting, Mr. Deputy Governor, this is an appreciation to all of us, this is one of our prides in being able to support humanitarian issues," he said.

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