PAPUA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Papua Province hopes that the implementation of the 10 Zulhijah Prayers of 10 Zulhijah 1442 H/2021 AD will continue to prioritize strict COVID-19 health protocols (prokes).

The chairman of the Papua Province MUI, Syaiful Al Payage, said that his party remained flexible to the current situation in each district and city.

"If one area of COVID-19 positive cases is very high, then it is better to pray at home and not have to go to the mosque or in the field by gathering a lot of people," he said in Jayapura as reported by Antara, Monday, July 12.

According to Syaiful Al Payage, if an area of COVID-19 cases is low and is a safe zone, the Eid prayer can be held.

"I specifically appeal to the Papua region that it can be carried out while maintaining health protocols, namely first, it is hoped that places of worship should not be overcrowded, it must be limited, what percentage of the mosque's capacity is," he said.

He explained that if they wanted to pray, all the congregation just had to be kept at a distance, not touching.

"The MUI has held a meeting related to the implementation of prayers and we see that in Papua it can be carried out but with strict health protocols," he said.

Likewise, with the implementation of the slaughter of sacrificial animals, there should be no people waiting in line. Later it will be focused on several delivery points so as not to cause mass gathering.

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