JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin invites Islamic scholars and religious leaders to work together with the government to increase their role in supporting the implementation of emergency PPKM amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Vice President's invitation during the audience was attended directly by the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) at the Jakarta Vice President's Palace and followed online by regional MUI administrators and a number of regional heads.

"I would like to invite all my friends, kiai, ulama, habibs to work together with the government to tackle the huge and terrible danger of COVID-19," said Vice President Ma'ruf in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 12.

Overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is not only the task of the Government, but all parties including the ulama. Therefore, the Vice President invited Islamic religious leaders to cooperate with the Government.

"I use the term 'together', not helping the government, because tackling the COVID-19 pandemic is a national and state responsibility, including religious responsibility," said the vice president.

The death rate due to COVID-19 is already very high, so the Government implements an emergency PPKM policy to protect and protect the public from victims.

The vice president said the number of health workers who died from COVID-19 reached more than 1,000 people, including 405 doctors, 399 nurses, 166 midwives, 43 dentists and 32 laboratory experts (ATLM).

In addition, there are 541 clerics who have died due to COVID-19 infection, consisting of 450 men and 90 women.

"There have been many victims, there have been many who have been confirmed positive, there have been quite a few who died. This is what I want to convey to the kiai, so that the hospitals are now no longer accommodating, lack of oxygen," he explained.

Therefore, the Vice President hopes that the ulama and Islamic religious leaders in the regions will work together with the Government in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic by suppressing the transmission rate in the community.

"Let's fight together with our government to fight against the evil danger of COVID-19," said the Vice President.

Present in person at the Jakarta Vice Presidential Palace were MUI General Chair Miftachul Ahyar, Deputy Chairperson of the MUI Advisory Council Zein Umar bin Smith, MUI Deputy General Chair Marsudi Syuhud, MUI Chair Yusnar Yusuf, MUI Chair Jeje Zainuddin and MUI Chair Asrorun Ni'am.

Meanwhile, virtual joining in the meeting with the Vice President were Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Sukoharjo Regent Etik Suryani, Sragen Regent Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati, Rembang Regent Abdul Hafidz and Pati Haryanto.

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