JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan opens the opportunity to issue a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy for people who work and migrants in Jakarta.

This possibility is open considering that Jakarta is an open city and is prone to COVID-19 transmission. So, Anies assessed that all residents or migrants from buffer cities must receive the COVID-19 vaccine so that the transmission and spread of the virus does not easily occur.

"In the future, the consequence of Jakarta as an open city may be that all those who are active in Jakarta already have immunity. This means that they have been vaccinated," said Anies in an online discussion, Saturday, July 10.

However, this policy will not be implemented immediately, considering that it must first be discussed by the central government. In addition, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will also conduct a study beforehand to measure the consequences of the policy.

"There is no conclusion in that direction. We will try to examine the consequences of the policy," he said.

"Hopefully we can formulate together with the central government on how an open city like Jakarta will not surge again like yesterday," Anies added.

Furthermore, on this occasion Anies also mentioned a 62.3 percent decrease in the volume of motorized vehicle traffic since the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) was implemented.

The daily passenger volume of urban public transport also decreased during Emergency PPKM to 46.28 percent.

However, related to the development of COVID-19 transmission in Jakarta, Anies said it could not be known because the Emergency PPKM had only been running for one week.

"Emergency PPKM has only been running for a week, so we'll have to see what happens in the second week. Because what happened in the first week was a consequence of the transmission (COVID-19) before Emergency PPKM," he concluded.

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