BANDA ACEH - Stunting often results in impaired growth of children with lower or shorter height. This invites the concern of DPR RI Member M Nasir Djamil. He invited all elements of Acehnese society to continue to move forward to fight stunting or malnutrition for a long time.

"Stunting does not only refer to the length and shortness of a child's body, but the most worrying thing is the length and shortness of children's thinking power in the future," said M Nasir Djamil in Banda Aceh, Saturday, July 10.

According to the member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the war against stunting is an effort by not leaving a generation that is weak, both physically and mentally, so that it can fill human resources whose competition is increasingly fierce in the future.

The chairman of the Joint Forum (Forbes) Member of the DPR-RI and DPD-RI from Aceh said the fight against stunting is a mandate of the constitution or the constitution.

"The constitution mandates that every child has the right to survive, grow and develop and has the right to protection from violence and discrimination," said M Nasir Djamil.

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician said that with the issuance of Law 23 of 2012 concerning the protection of children's health, the problem of stunting that attacks children must be a shared responsibility.

Based on data from the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) of Aceh Province, said M Nasir Djamil, the stunting rate in the province is very worrying. Aceh Province is in the third place with the highest population experiencing stunting.

Therefore, M Nasir Djamil proposed the establishment of a stunting handling task force to remote villages. Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hoped that the community will remain optimistic about reducing the risk of stunting children in Aceh Province.

"I propose in the DPR RI budget meeting that this relation to stunting should be evaluated, so that the existing budget can be used optimally and managed by the village government in fighting stunting," said M Nasir Djamil.

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