JAKARTA - The Manpower Office of Tangerang Regency, Banten asked the management of companies in the area not to terminate employment (PHK) for their employees during the Enforcement of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) on 3-20 July 2021.

"Although there are restrictions on employees while working because of the Emergency PPKM, I hope the company does not lay off its employees," said Head of the Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement Section (Kasi) of the Tangerang Regency Manpower Office, Hendra, when confirmed by Antara, Friday.

He said that during the implementation of Emergency PPKM, companies in Tangerang Regency have not yet laid off employees.

However, according to him, the termination of employment could happen if these companies cannot survive to increase their production.

"Until now there have been no reports related to layoffs. But I don't know if later after the PPKM period is over and it could happen," he said.

He revealed that companies and employees/employees and trade unions/labor unions should understand each other about this pandemic situation.

"The current situation is indeed very difficult for all elements to be affected, but the effort to come up with the best solution is to always prioritize bipartite dialogue between companies and their workers," he said.

He also asked the company's management and workers to comply with government policies related to Emergency PPKM, by complying with health protocols.

He explained that the policy was part of an effort to protect business continuity, as well as protect the health and safety of workers in their respective workplaces.

"According to the Tangerang Regent's Circular (SE) and the SE from the Ministry of Manpower regarding Emergency PPKM, we (Disnaker, ed.) Tangerang Regency invites companies and employees to comply with the health protocol discipline according to government policies to suppress the transmission of COVID-19 in the worker cluster," he said.

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