JAKARTA - BUMD Bank DKI opened COVID-19 vaccination services in two of its offices on 17 and 18 July 2021. This was done to accelerate Jakarta's vaccination target of 7.5 million residents in August.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Jerry Djufraini said that people who want to carry out vaccinations can register on the JAKI application.

"For the general public who wish to participate in vaccination, they can start registering through the JAKI application," said Herry in his statement, Friday, July 8.

The vaccination will be carried out at Bank DKI Juanda Service Office located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda III No. 7-9 Central Jakarta and Bank DKI Syariah Matraman located on Jl. Matraman Raya No. 54, East Jakarta.

"We have prepared venue facilities, implementing teams and supporting infrastructure from Bank DKI and implemented strict health protocols," he said.

To register, prospective vaccine registrants only need to open the JAKI application. Then, click on the COVID-19 vaccination registration banner, enter your NIK and full name according to your ID card, then click on the Covid-19 vaccination list, fill in complete personal data, fill in residence data and select the general public category.

Finally, select the vaccination schedule and location. After the process is complete, the results of the pre-screening can be brought along with the original/copied KTP or family card to the vaccination center location on a predetermined schedule.

In addition to the JAKI application, Bank DKI will also provide vaccinations to the general public, especially those located close to the location of the Bank DKI vaccination center. Vaccination is also carried out for employees' families.

It is known, currently there are 5,161,695 people in Jakarta who have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination. While the total dose of 2 has now reached 1,945,121 people.

Furthermore, the achievement of vaccination for children aged 12-17 years, for dose 1 has been carried out as much as 4.6 percent. Meanwhile, for residents aged 18-59 years, 57.1 percent of dose 1 has been vaccinated and 17.8 percent of dose 2 has been vaccinated.

In the elderly group, vaccination dose 1 has been carried out as much as 65.8 percent and dose 2 vaccination as much as 58.7 percent. While the mutual cooperation vaccination, for dose 1 has been given to 100,834 people and dose 2 as many as 39,078 people.

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