YOGYAKARTA - The Kulon Progo Regency Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) has officially banned the public from doing takbir around and Eid prayer in the field to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Kulon Progo Regent Sutedjo said the ban was contained in Circular No. 451/2231 concerning Provisions for the Implementation of Worship at Places of Worship, Takbiran Nights, Eid Prayers and the Implementation of Sacrifice in 2021 in the Emergency PPKM.

"This circular will come into effect from the time it was signed (July 8, 2021) until there are further policies. In addition, the implementation of qurbani must comply with health protocols," said Sutedjo in Kulon Progo as quoted by Antara, Friday, July 8.

The implementation of takbiran nights in mosques/mushala, takbirs around on foot and vehicles is abolished. The same rules also apply to Eid prayer activities at mosques and other public places.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service, Aris Nugraha, added that the rules for selling and slaughtering sacrificial animals have also been issued.

In the distribution stage, for example, sales and slaughter of sacrificial animals must comply with the COVID-19 prevention protocol.

"The purpose of the circular is to prevent transmission of COVID-19 during the sale and slaughter of sacrificial animals. And to break the chain of transmission in the community," said Aris.

He said the special requirements for sacrificial animals, whether in the form of cows or goats, were to include an Animal Health Certificate (SKKH) before being sold to the market or the public. Then the sales process must also meet the COVID-19 prevention standards.

Sellers are required to use personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of masks, face shields (face shields), long-sleeved shirts and gloves when making buying and selling transactions.

This also applies to buyers and officers of animal slaughter to people who distribute sacrificial meat.

"Even in the animal market, sellers are also required to maintain a safe distance of at least one meter. Market managers must also provide hand washing facilities with soap and routinely carry out cleaning and disinfection at points of sale," he said.

Then for the procedures at the slaughtering location, the organizing committee must provide two areas, namely the clean and dirty areas. The dirty area is a place for animal slaughter and waste disposal. While the clean area is a meat processing area before it is distributed to the public.

"The meat distribution process must also be distributed directly to the recipient's homes. It should not be held by gathering the masses," said Aris.

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