JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI-P DPC South Tangerang City, Wanto Sugito, spoke about the statement by the Chairman of the Democratic Party of the Republic of Indonesia, Edhy Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas), who was worried that Indonesia would become a failed nation.

According to Wanto, the failed nation statement did not help to reduce the situation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, he said what Ibas said hurt the hearts of health workers and made the situation worse in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also advised Ibas to focus on managing the Democratic Party so as not to fail. Moreover, the symptoms of a failed party are already in sight.

"Ibas better pay attention to the Democrats so they don't become a failed party. The problem is that the symptoms of becoming a failed party are already in sight. Just find a way to pass PT in 2024. Or what failed was Ibas' thought. ," said Wanto in his written statement, Friday, July 9.

Furthermore, he also mentioned Ibas' presence in parliamentary activities. Moreover, a number of council members said that Ibas was often absent from various meetings.

"Please check his attendance at the DPR, especially in Commission VI. Even his colleagues say that they rarely meet. That's the people's representative who wants to be imitated," said Wanto.

He agreed that as a democracy, no one should be allergic to criticism. But, he reminded, criticism must be delivered substantially and constructively. "So don't be shy," he said.

"Correct to yourself first. And if you are criticized back, don't be nervous," he said.

Previously, Deputy Chairperson of the Democratic Party (Waketum PD) Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono or Ibas reminded the government about handling COVID-19. He also questioned when Indonesia would be free from corona.

"COVID-19 is getting more and more 'ferocious'. Many families, friends and in our environment have been exposed and even died. How long will our nation continue like this?" said Ibas, Wednesday, July 7th.

The chairman of the DPR Democratic Party faction has warned the state to be able to save people's lives. Because, Ibas did not want Indonesia to be called a 'failed nation' or failed nation.

"Don't let our country be called a failed nation due to the country's inability to save its people," he said.

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