JAKARTA - The government has issued guidelines for the new normality that will be implemented by local governments. Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian issued Minister of Home Affairs Decree No. 440-830 of 2020 which regulates new norms and one of these rules regulates the matter of organizing events.

At the point of the event organizing protocol in the guidelines, Tito said that meetings and mobility of people in public spaces for special events such as religion, culture, weddings and music concerts must be strictly regulated and subject to guidelines with the issuance of new normal permits by local government units.

The guideline states that later sports events and concerts that will be carried out should not attract audiences.

"Sports events and music concerts are expected to prioritize performing without an audience. The event will be broadcast live to viewers in their homes, so they can watch it on their TV, tablet or mobile device," reads a copy of the official decree.

Even if there is a gathering of people during the meeting, health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 must be strictly implemented.

When the event organizer does not follow the existing rules, it is not impossible that the event will be disbanded and it can lead to criminal penalties and sanctions.

The health protocol that must be implemented is to limit the number of people who enter one place or event; use masking tape to mark the distance from one person to another; avoiding physical contact such as shaking hands or hugging; and avoid conventional usage and replace it with cashless transactions.

In addition, there must be a distance marker on the carpet or other surface, a shield of pixieglass between opposite tables, and a sign to control the traffic of people so that there is no congestion and congestion of people in that place.

Furthermore, at the venue for the event, washing hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand washing must also be provided in various strategic places.

Finally, if there are eating and drinking activities at the event, the event organizer can use a disposable dining or drinking area.

Health protocols are also made for crowd centers such as markets, malls and shops. Apart from being obliged to maintain distance, the manager of the crowd center is also obliged to determine the maximum number of people who can enter their outlets.

Then, they also have to limit the number of people who can enter the elevator at one time with the aim of preventing the build-up of people.

The center managers of this crowd should also start increasing the number of automatic food and beverage vending machines and reducing the number of cafeterias. The goal is that there is no direct contact at the center of the crowd.

"Salons, beauty salons and spas will be allowed to operate again but personnel must wear masks and gloves. Employees must also wash their hands frequently and clean their utensils with disinfectant liquid," the letter said.

Meanwhile, regarding public transportation, the Kepmendagri still mentions that the use of online and conventional ojek will still be suspended or prohibited from operating as it is today.

"The operation of conventional motorcycle taxis or online motorcycle taxis must remain suspended to prevent the spread of the virus through the use of shared helmets and direct physical contact between passengers and drivers."

When will these guidelines be applied?

In this Kepmendagri, Tito explained that the new normality guidelines could be applied by local governments in their respective regions if they met the six requirements. First, the transmission of COVID-19 in its territory can be controlled.

Second, the health system and its facilities are adequate. Third, being able to reduce the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak with high vulnerability areas. Fourth, being able to implement COVID-19 prevention protocols in the workplace.

Fifth, able to control the risk of cases from virus carriers entering their territory. Sixth, involving relevant stakeholders in a transition period to a new life order or normality.

"The implementation of productive and safe community life for COVID-19 requires a number of technical readiness and health protocols in order to be able to fulfill the six requirements."

The three indicators that are key in loosening the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) regulation for regions currently implementing it are first, epidemiological conditions. The local government must map the distribution zone in each region.

Areas with low epidemiological conditions are included in the green zone, areas with epidemiological conditions are in the yellow zone, and areas with high epidemiological conditions are included in the red zone. The implementation of productive and safe community policies for COVID-19 is carried out in epodemiological conditions in the green zone or safe zone.

Second, local governments must be prepared to handle cases of COVID-19 infection. The factors that underlie this indicator are the availability of protection for the community, the availability of protective medical personnel, medical facilities and infrastructure, and post-death equipment.

The third indicator is the government's ability to trace the history of close contact with people infected with COVID-19. Local governments can undergo new norms if they are able to carry out contact tracing for COVID-19 cases on moderate criteria.

"Therefore, local governments must carry out routine epidemiological evaluations at least once every 14 days to implement a productive and safe community for COVID-19."

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