JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has deposited Rp10 billion in the state treasury.

The money is a replacement money and fines confiscated from two convicts of corruption cases, namely former Bogor Regent Rachmat Yasin and President Director of PT Kings Property Indonesia Sutikno.

"The execution prosecutor at the KPK has deposited a total of Rp10,036,223,010 into the state treasury from the payment of the booty and fines by the two convicts," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention, Ipi Maryati, told reporters on Friday, July 9.

In detail, the stolen money worth Rp9.78 billion came from replacement money for former Bogor Regent Rachmat Yasin. The case has permanent legal force as determined by the Bandung Corruption Court Number: 75/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN.Bdg dated March 22, 2021.

From Rachmat Yasin, the money was handed over to the KPK in two stages. During the investigation process, Rp. 8.93 billion was paid, then during the trial process, the amount was Rp. 854.8 million.

Rachmat was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months because he was proven to have received gratification from the Bogor Regency Regional Work Unit (SKPD).

From the convict President Director of PT Kings Property Indonesia Sutikno, the KPK deposited a fine of IDR 250 million. The Sutikno Inkrah case was based on the decision of the Corruption Court at the Bandung District Court Class IA Special Number: 20/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN. Bdg dated May 25, 2021.

He was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for bribing Cirebon Regent Sunjaya Purwadisastra. The bribe was given to smooth the permit for the construction of the PT Kings Property Indonesia industrial area.

"KPK will always be active to collect the payment of fines and replacement money from the convicts as a form of efforts to carry out asset recovery (recovery of assets) from the results of criminal acts of corruption," concluded Ipi.

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