Killing Blacks Is Not Enough For Minneapolis Police, They Now Arrest A Number Of Journalists
Ilustrasi (Pawel Janiak / Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Protests over George Floyd's death have spread across the United States in the past three days. The crowd condemned the police action that killed the African American. The riots got out of control, to the point that CNN journalists became the butt of the police. Like it's not enough for Minneapolis police to smear their own faces.

Floyd, 46, died after being choked and crushed in the neck by the Minneaplois, Minnesota police. Reportedly Floyd stumbled on a forgery case. Police said the murder was carried out because Floyd fought officers when he was about to be arrested.

Citing CNN, the mass protests over the case of Floyd's death that had gathered since Thursday ended in chaos. The heating up situation there made CNN journalist Omar Jimenez affected.

Jimenez was arrested by the police while doing a live broadcast at the protest site, Minneapolis. In addition, the reporting team, including the producer and cameraman, were also arrested and handcuffed. Until this news was written, it was not clear why they were arrested.

Previously, after demonstrators set fire to the police station, the rioting got out of hand. At St. Paul, the protesters and the police clashed until the authorities released tear gas. Meanwhile, more than 170 stalls were damaged according to police.

The anger then spreads not only in Minnesota. Residents in Colorado, New York, Denver, Memphis, Tennessee, Phoenix, Arizona, and Columbus took to the streets to stage protests.

Meanwhile, the statement by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, via his Twitter account, has also fueled the flames of anger among the people. Trump tweeted: When the looting started, the shooting started too.

Immediately, Twitter flagged the tweet for violating platform rules. Trump is seen as "inciting violence."

Investigate the Floyd case

Local and federal officials have yet to announce charges against the officers involved in Floyd's death. However, they said that case investigation was the top priority.

Meanwhile, the four police officers who have been dismissed have reportedly filed for the Fifth Amendment rights regarding the charges against themselves. In fact, reportedly Derek Chauvin, the police murdered Floyd, had 18 complaint reports filed with him.

Meanwhile, the Council of Judiciary Committees urged the Justice Department to continue investigating, by "teasing" the federal government that it has an important role to play in exemplifying a culture of accountability for all law enforcement agencies.

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