JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office explained the reasons related to the attitude of the public prosecutor (JPU) not submitting a cassation request to the decision of the DKI Jakarta District Court which reduced the verdict of the defendant Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

"The prosecutor is of the view that the prosecutor's demands have been met in the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court, apart from there being no reason to file a cassation request as stipulated in Article 253 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code," said Head of the Central Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, Riono Budisantoso, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 8 .

The rise of news related to the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court which cut Pinangki Sirna Malasari's verdict in the corruption case from 10 years to 4 years, the Central Jakarta Kejari also explained the reason.

After studying the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court, according to Riono, the Public Prosecutor did not find any reason to file an appeal.

The application for cassation as regulated in Article 253 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code which is limitedly determined as follows, namely point a, is it true that a legal regulation is not applied or is not applied properly.

Point b, is it true that the trial method is not carried out according to the provisions of the law. Point c, is it true that the court has exceeded the limits of its authority.

In the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court, it is stated that the legal provisions or regulations that are the basis for consideration have been applied correctly and none of the provisions or regulations that have been set are not as they should be.

The DKI Jakarta High Court has also examined and tried the case in a correct manner and did not exceed the limits of its authority.

"Therefore, insisting that the public prosecutor apply for a legal cassation is tantamount to asking the public prosecutor to take actions that have no legal basis. This is of course not justified," said Riono.

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