JAKARTA - Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita mobilized all capabilities (all out) of domestic industry and foreign industrial networks to meet the surge in national oxygen gas demand for handling COVID-19 patients.

Currently, the Ministry of Industry has secured additional oxygen production and procurement of isotanks to overcome the problem of sending medical oxygen from industry to hospitals, as well as providing oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators/generators.

“In the meantime, we have secured additional production of oxygen so that the total daily supply is 2,622.9 tons/day, 132 oxygen transport isotank trucks, 15,906 oxygen cylinders, 8,100 oxygen concentrator units, and 9 deployable oxygen concentrator systems. This figure will continue to rise again after the purchase commitments and contributions of the domestic industry are realized. We mobilize all our resources, including policies and reallocation of the Ministry of Industry's State Budget to secure the supply and distribution of medical oxygen," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta, Thursday, July 8.

The Ministry of Industry is proactive in collaborating with local government Ministries/Institutions and industry associations to meet the need for oxygen gas for handling COVID-19 patients in a number of areas. Among others, with the Ministry of Health to ensure the division of tasks and responsibilities.

The duties and responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry include supplying oxygen, procuring oxygen cylinders/bottles, isotanks for the purpose of importing and distributing oxygen, oxygen concentrators/generators, as well as supporting transportation for medical oxygen distribution.

“We have instructed domestic industrial companies to ensure the availability of oxygen and oxygen cylinders to meet medical oxygen needs. The contribution of industrial companies to the health sector in dealing with COVID-19 is highly expected in the current situation," explained the Minister of Industry in a written statement.

The Ministry of Industry expressed its appreciation to the oxygen producing industry which continues to maximize production capacity to meet medical needs and even increase its production capacity. Also to the oxygen user industry which has reduced supply of oxygen raw materials.

“We appreciate the oxygen producing industry that continues to maximize production capacity to meet medical needs and even increase its production capacity. We also appreciate the oxygen user industry who has been willing to accept a supply of oxygen raw materials that is lower than their needs due to the diversion for medical needs," said the Minister of Industry.

Oxygen Needs Rise Drastically

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the total demand for medical oxygen for Java-Bali continues to increase from 800 tons per day on June 30, 2021, to 1,400 tons per day on July 1, 2021, then 2,262 tons per day on July 3, 2021, and then rises again to 2,323. tons per day on July 6, 2021.

The Ministry of Health also predicts an additional need of 71 tons every 3 days. The Minister of Industry stated that the national capacity for oxygen production is 1,700 tons per day. Currently, the Ministry of Industry has succeeded in realizing an additional supply of 920.5 tons of oxygen per day. This additional supply figure continues to rise in order to secure the need for medical oxygen supplies.

Based on the Instruction of the Minister of Industry No. 1 of 2021, the Ministry of Industry instructs industry players to contribute to the fulfillment of oxygen for handling COVID-19. Like Samator, which will function the liquefaction unit in Surabaya, which adds oxygen supply. Meanwhile, Airliquide has also reactivated its plant in Cilegon.

Seorang karyawan menyiapkan tabung oksigen untuk diisi ulang di Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Senin , 5 Juli (Foto: Dedhez Anggara/Antara)
An employee prepares an oxygen cylinder to be refilled in Indramayu, West Java, Monday, July 5 (Photo: Dedhez Anggara/Antara)

PT. Obsidian Stainless Steel, PT. Sojitz Indonesia, PT. Smelting which owns an oxygen plant is willing to increase its oxygen production for medical needs. Meanwhile, the fertilizer industry, such as Pupuk Kaltim and Pupuk Sriwijaya, also has several oxygen plants.

“If they can be encouraged to increase oxygen production it will help the national oxygen supply. Therefore, I highly appreciate companies that contribute to the provision of medical oxygen,” said the Minister of Industry.

Of the total additional supply of oxygen of 922.9 tons per day, 650 tons per day of which comes from imports or about 70.4 percent. While the rest, amounting to 272.9 tons per day or 29.6 percent is local production. Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita hopes that this amount can meet the needs of patients exposed to COVID-19.

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